Technical Fiat Multipla 2004 Fan Blower Problem

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Technical Fiat Multipla 2004 Fan Blower Problem

Ok 12v orange wire means you just need a wire with a switch on the black wire to ground to make it work.

You could try a known good working fan speed controller but I expect you are not willing to find and buy one.
Thank you, I would love to try a working speed controller, if I can find one. Ok so if I just run another wire that goes from Ground to the fan, that might then work? But if I put a switch in the Earth wire, and the fan moter gets the 12v all the time as seem the way at the moment, would that then be ok for the fan. As a novice in AC electrical work, you always put the with in the live side not the neutral? Im just asking
Just do what you were told

I will not be posting anymore on this thread.
Try fuse 5 (as depicted in this diagram) on the fuse panel under the floor of the driver's side glove box:


As @jackwhoo says though, the actual locations of the fuse for a given job on the Multipla are notoriously "fluid" :LOL:. They may not be where they are shown to be and the actual format of the fuse panel may not look like that shown. There are several variations of fuse panel. Sometimes it's easier to remove the suspected fuse and run a continuity check on the socket connections themselves.

As an aside, the 12v power socket (aka cigarette lighter) should be fuse 9 in the above diagram