Technical Fiat Ducato 2.3 2 codes and Fuse F17 blown

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Technical Fiat Ducato 2.3 2 codes and Fuse F17 blown


New member
Jan 4, 2019
Whist travelling at about 50mph, the engine management light came on and the van went into restricted performance,the codes are P0403 and 0638.These symptons have been mentioned before on here but what was the cause? The EGR solenoid is stuck I am sure and I thought that was the culprit for blowing fuse 17 (10A) so I disconnected it but the fuse still blows.Any ideas?
Thank you
Further to my post above, I systematically disconnected all plugs leading to the various sensors in the engine bay until the short circuit cleared.The culprit turned out to be the sensor/valve? in the breather circuit which goes just passed the MAF then Teed off vertically to the top of the engine.I was then able to clear the fault codes and replaced the 10A fuse.
The plug is still disconnected and does not set any fault codes.Any ideas as to what exactly this does would be good.Thanks
The culprit turned out to be the sensor/valve? in the breather circuit which goes just passed the MAF then Teed off vertically to the top of the engine.

I am not familiar with the 2.3 engine, but this sounds rather like an oil vapour heater.
Good morning
The 2 photos show the offending valve/sensor ( disconnected) in the black vertical hose going up to the top of the engine and the black (breather?) box on top of the engine.


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Good evening all
Thanks for your views on this and yes I can confirm engine is 2.3. I’d never heard of a blow by heater before certainly looks like the component Well done all and thanks for your research and links to other threads and forums.
Good evening all
Thanks for your views on this and yes I can confirm engine is 2.3. I’d never heard of a blow by heater before certainly looks like the component Well done all and thanks for your research and links to other threads and forums.

The eLearn manual relevant to my 2006 2.8JTD uses the name "Oil Vapour Heating Resistance", hence my use of the term Oil Vapour Heater.

As suggested elsewhere, the problem seems to be more prevalent on the 2.8 litre engine. Perhaps that is due to the fact that 2.8JTD engines are generally older.
Good morning, Ive just checked the disconnected plug and there is a constant 12V on it therefore not temperature switched by a relay or perhaps the thermistor for switching is in the device itself? Perhaps its just a "hot wire"??For now Im leaving it disconnected as it is definitely faulty.
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