Technical Fiat 500 (UK, RHD) 2013 - Dull Thud fron LHS

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Technical Fiat 500 (UK, RHD) 2013 - Dull Thud fron LHS


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Feb 21, 2020
Been having all sorts of knocks and clunks from my Fiat 500 for a while now.

Replaced top mounts and shocks at ~65k 2 years ago which semi-helped but didn't resolve it totally.

Then early Jan things started to go really down hill, knocks, clunks the works. This is at 75k.

So we then got replaced again:

Top Mounts (Lemforder)
LH and RH Front Suspension Arms (Moog)
Anti-Roll bar links (Moog)

Which fixed the new clunks and knocks (looking at the old arms the bushes seemed to be knackered!) but we are now left with a dull thudding which over the last two weeks and ~500 miles is starting to turn into more clunks than a dull thud on only what I can tell is the LHS.

Driving over cobblestones slowly (slower than walking pace!) with the RHS results in nothing. Same thing on the LHS has a number thuds thus it can't require a huge force to move and hence should be visible on the ramp?

I've bounced the car up and down on both LHS and RHS - nothing bar maybe a slight 'knock' from the LHS.

Jacked it up and gave some things a good push-pull ---> tight.

I tried turning with wheel with a jiggle and there was some play (Track Rods?) and some movement in the driveshaft...

I'm going to get a friend to drive the car down the cobblestones again slowly to see if I can identify where the noise is coming from, but some recommendations on what to change/check next would be appreciated.

Looking at replacing the Track Rod arms, gearbox mount or rear engine mount next.
HI and welcome, it can be hard to find whats making the noises, we've replaced everything on the front and it was quiet but now makes a noise over "certain" bumps.
Try drop links(again) these can last as little as a year or 6k, don't rule out the rear shocks a known failing