Technical Fao the fiat tech guys:exhaust pipe problem

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Technical Fao the fiat tech guys:exhaust pipe problem

Jun 3, 2004
Ooop North
(or anyone else really)Wondering if you can help with this:

Over the last month or so people getting in my car have commented on the exhuast sounds like its blowing, it has always sounded ok to me.

Then Saturday night, my mum and dad commented on it so when I left work today I had a quick butchers underneath while the engine was cold and steaming a little bit.

Couldnt see anything, and the pipe doesnt look corroded in anyway.

So I then give it some gentle revs and saw some exhuast leak from the point near to where this system comes from the engine to floor level, near what look like two big rings (dont know if flexible joint?).

Not had chnce to crawl under and take a close look but could it be a loose connecion? there is definate gas comming through and a couple of drops of water, and with my head under there, sounds like its blowing. It cant be knackered already at 2 1/2 years old with 28k can it?

What d'ya reckon?
Never seen a problem at the front of a stilo, are you sure the water isnt dripping from the aircon drain? Best thing to do is take it to kwik fit and let them have a look and ask them to show you whats wrong. Then walk away from them and get it done properly.

called at kwikfit (boy have they had some lessons in customer service!!!) on way home from work and they very kindly put the stilo up on the lift so I could look at the exhaust.

The immediatly identified the part causing the noise....and it is a hole. Shoot.

Its the flexible joint part of the pipe has a hole in it, and the brading has worn through slightly.

The diagrams below of EPER show this part (circled red) on its own and in line on the system.

The diagram doesnt look like the part so I googled an image of what it looks like.

The thing is the Kwikfit man said its classed as wear but on a car with this mileage and year, it is excessive wear and very rare. He also hinted that as the stilo is so new, its hard to get hold of the part and is not cheap :(

Does anyone know if 3rd year warranty will cover this? It probably wont.

If not, any ideas on the cost of the section?


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thats the exhaust downpipe flange and shouldnt be very expensive to put a new one on if the warrenty doesnt cover it!!
Big Black Stilo said:
Over in sunny Wigan. Why do you still have your old one going spare?

No its just that i got my exhaust done at ExhaustsUK at Sheffield thats all and they could have changed mine if i wanted to but mine was ok
It'll be classed a general wear and tear at garage, so you'll probably have no chance with the dealer!

Mind you, i personally would just buy the part, i'd be shocked if it cost you more than £20! Its only 5" of flexi hose! Get a pair of ramps from Hellfrauds and fit it yourself. You'll save a fortune, and get some new tools! :D
Is it easy to fit this? I got the flexi, its the flexi part plus the pipe that runs to the back biox,all one piece, do i need anything other than to unbolt and remove original and reinsert new section? What about gum gum??? some kind of paste that u use on the exhaust pipes???? Ive never heard of it before only someone mentioned i may need it?
This went on my 1.8 too, car had done 30K, failed first MOT. FIAT wouldn't honour it under 3rd year warranty as it's wear & tear, so I had to pay £160 to get it changed at my dealer (they did me free labour, free retest and £25 for MOT so wasn't that bad; places like KwikFit were giving me prices of £200!). Phoned FIAT UK and they said they couldn't refund me cash but gave me £200 worth of FIAT money :)D); wasted it on two new door trims and stuff! :D:D:D
Just finished a satisfying 1hr 20 mins under car with my dad replacing it, thank chr*st its done, its a bloody awkward jobby without a ramp, but nonetheless its so gratifying to know you havent lined fiat pockets with labour costs.

Methinks that Fathers day is going to be an expensive one this year :worship: