Technical fan belt

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Technical fan belt


Feb 26, 2018
Driving twin air 2012 automatic and all of a sudden sounded like I was driving over a gravel path for 10 seconds and then the battery red light came on but made it home.Is this the fan belt and are they easy to change. Also been having problems when starting as it starts for five seconds then cuts out.Now somebody has said I was using the wrong oil but the Fiat garage never mentioned anything about correct oil.Could the belt be causing the starting problems as garage has quoted me a fortune for actuator caused by wrong type of oil
Two issues, might have been better separating them into two threads.

1. Noise and battery light.
Most likely the alternator drive belt, but rather than ask here, lift the bonnet and just look at it. You'll get a better diagnosis than any guess on here.
If the belt has gone, diagnosis is more difficult. Important to diagnose the cause, not just the effect.
If it is still there, but falling apart, how it has failed may give clues as to whether this is just normal age and wear & tear, or distress caused by a driven component failure.
The alternator needs to be checked carefully to ensure it is not seizing. Same with any other driven components. (I'm not familiar with twinair, so could be aircon, or water pump too) Might have just collected a twig or other debris.

2. Poor starting.
Twinair is critical on correct oil.
If the oil currently in it is incorrect, change it now. Then again after a week or so of normal running, to help clear residue of wrong stuff. Handbook (useful things) gives oil specs - important.

There are lots of threads on running issues on twiair, spend some time searching this site and read them all.
Most modern kit has a tortuous run to the 'fan belt'.. :eek:

The modern 'serpentine belt'
Is multi ribbed..and will almost certainly carry the belt on a sprung tensioner

If the belt still appears to be a hoop.. then suspect the tensioner.. or a failed pulley..or bearing in its run

If youve just bought the panda.. does it have warranty on parts?

Being sat on a forecourt for months may have added to degradation of the belt and its driven train :eek:

On the brighter side...

Ive often found a car runs much better when the charging circuit is restored to its design potential.. if this has caused losses you could be in for a pleasant surprise :)

My 52k mile TA Squeaks:creaks a little on damp mornings.. :eek:
but Ive had 5+ years practice of figuring out which sound is what ;)
