I have a Ducato 2002 minibus 2.8JTD
After driving a couple of miles on Saturday, something didn't sound right so I stopped and saw liquid dripping and fanbelt obviously broken. Got recovered home.
Mechanic is saying water pump broke and caused fanbelt to go. Also says the water pump is connected to a tensioner on the cam belt, so likely needs replacing anyway (I have no problem with that, I guess it's good to replace while I have the chance).
Firstly, does that all sound about right? I trust him, but would be good to check.
He seems to think it's very tricky to access everything and likely to be £170 just in labour. Again, does this sound reasonable?
EDIT: ignore that, now says it's too much for him and it's much, much more work and I'm unlikely to get change out of £500 in total
After driving a couple of miles on Saturday, something didn't sound right so I stopped and saw liquid dripping and fanbelt obviously broken. Got recovered home.
Mechanic is saying water pump broke and caused fanbelt to go. Also says the water pump is connected to a tensioner on the cam belt, so likely needs replacing anyway (I have no problem with that, I guess it's good to replace while I have the chance).
Firstly, does that all sound about right? I trust him, but would be good to check.
He seems to think it's very tricky to access everything and likely to be £170 just in labour. Again, does this sound reasonable?
EDIT: ignore that, now says it's too much for him and it's much, much more work and I'm unlikely to get change out of £500 in total
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