Technical Electric Windows: Up goes Down. Down goes up and other problems...

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Technical Electric Windows: Up goes Down. Down goes up and other problems...

Feb 22, 2009
Leeds, Northern England!
Hi. Installed electric windows with my Dad last month

Problem 1: It appears when we wired it up, up goes down and down goes up ?! :confused:. This is the same on both doors. What have I done wrong or will need to do to solve it?

Problem 2
: How on earth do we wire up so that the Driver can control the passenger window? What cables will I need to wire into?
A diagram would be good.
I know Cinquepunto has done this before successfully. So any help would be great :)

Sorry if it sounds dumb but change the wires on the switch. Put the up wire on the down switch and vice-versa then it would work the right way.

Dunno about the passenger wiring though.
:idea:cant you put the switches on the centre console?(so driver can reach both)or run another wire to the drivers door(from the passenger side switch)mount onother switch to drivers door than run the wire from the passsenger side to that switch(so then driver has 2 switchesan passenger has 1)?:confused:
This is what i think. not 100% but pretty sure.
if you do this i hold no responsibilty.

i believe, that the wires from both the passenger side, and drivers side should go into the fusebox somewhere. you need to break into the wires from the passenger side, and wire the drivers side passenger window switch wires into it.

^^ look it up, i believe this is how it is done, try some research on it, or find some wiring diagrams of your model with / without e/w.
