Technical Dpf filter

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Technical Dpf filter

Chris muff diver

New member
May 1, 2013
Had a few problems with the dpf filter keep clogging up even thou i drive around 300 miles a week dose anyone know if I took it out would my car fail the m.o.t. On emissions and will it run ok got some good dpf filter cleaner for £20 from Internet and put some erg cleaner in air filter car is going like the clappers now
Had a few problems with the dpf filter keep clogging up even thou i drive around 300 miles a week dose anyone know if I took it out would my car fail the m.o.t. On emissions and will it run ok got some good dpf filter cleaner for £20 from Internet and put some erg cleaner in air filter car is going like the clappers now

At the moment it won't fail the MOT, thats not to say that regs won't change in the future and make it an MOT failure, like they have if CATs in petrol cars have been removed.
Not a complaint, just an observation: Has the moderator any comment on the OP's Forum name:devil:
There you go, knock your self out!;)


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At about 90k miles my exhaust started smoking at the start of the regen cycle. I have now had a custom exhaust built at AmD in Essex which does away the DPF filter. The Car was also remapped again to stop the car going into the regen cycle.

The MOT on diesels is only a smoke test, not emissions. It can fail if the DPF is removed but AmD open your DPF filter remove the internals and weld it back up so it looks standard.

I have done 10k miles since and it has been fine. I even get slightly better MPG as the regen cycles use quite a bit of fuel.