Do women drivers hate cyclists?

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Do women drivers hate cyclists?

Jun 30, 2008
As the weather has been so nice (sorry you folks in Ireland) for the last couple of days I have been out on my old cycle. Rode 20 miles yesterday and another 10 or so today, and one thing has stood out. When you are on a bike you are aware of when somebody in a car is waiting for you to clear a junction so that they can pull out or waiting to turn turn right across you. Generally I have been impressed with lorries waiting patiently for me, a bus driver etc. but 3 different women have waited for an age until I am almost upon them and they set off! Do they hate cyclists, or are they just useless at judging distance and speed? Now I do know that there are plenty of good women drivers and terrible male drivers, but this just seems to be too many to be coincidental.
On the other hand, maybe women drivers just don't like me!
I will now go and grab my crash helmet before I get any abuse!
I was behind a cyclist today, and waited for an appropriate time to overtake.. the girl in a yaris behind tailgated me like mad. Just one experience, dont wish to generalize.. ;)

But she soon overtook once we were past the poor guy, she got real close to him from what i could see..
The worst or I suppose most frightening thing that happened to me as a cyclist was a 4x4 that passed me really close I felt quite shaken up then the caravan it was towing passed even closer. Another was a coach that was fairly close moving at high speed. I can not say if women where driving.

The worst cyclist I have seen as a driver was the utter moron that decided he would go the wrong way around a major round about in the dark without any lights on his bike. I very kindly saved his life by swerving and not running him over then beeped my horn at him he childishly mouthed 'yeah yeah yeah' at me. I was driving the car but I do not own any womaney bits sorry :(
I hate the cyclist who are in the road when there is a perfectly good safer cycle route they could use. about time the causing unnecessary obstruction of a highway law was used on them

what do you deem as a perfectly good and safe cycle route?
have you walked it or are you judging it from driving by?

ones where there is no ton of car to kill you

Oh good a cyclist Vs Non cyclist thread :D

Cycle lanes by and large are total and utter crap too narrow take you into dangerous positions you would never be in if you ride as traffic...

This ton of car... has the driver passed his test? should they slow and pass safely?

I WILL NOT use a cycle lane UNLESS its beneficial to me ((Eg avoiding red lights))

I pay my road tax :D
few examples:















do i really need to continue ;)
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The WORST type of cyclist is the when they ride about 1-2 metres from the actual pavement! I almost want to hit them! If I remember correctly, cyclists should be 60cm from the pavement (If someone tells me this is correct, I must surely get a gold star).

If I was Prime Minister I'd build a whole different transport system for cyclists, buses and lorries that leads into a wall.

No bias of course ;)
The WORST type of cyclist is the when they ride about 1-2 metres from the actual pavement! I almost want to hit them! If I remember correctly, cyclists should be 60cm from the pavement (If someone tells me this is correct, I must surely get a gold star).

If I was Prime Minister I'd build a whole different transport system for cyclists, buses and lorries that leads into a wall.

No bias of course ;)

how wide is a drain cover?
how much space do you give a car to pass?
its called a defensive line. I think you exhibit why its required
The WORST type of cyclist is the when they ride about 1-2 metres from the actual pavement! I almost want to hit them! If I remember correctly, cyclists should be 60cm from the pavement (If someone tells me this is correct, I must surely get a gold star).

If I was Prime Minister I'd build a whole different transport system for cyclists, buses and lorries that leads into a wall.

No bias of course ;)

The worst kind of cyclist is the one who is unfortunate enough to be on the road at the same time as ignorant, arrogant drivers. By trying to make his way to his destination he is causing a potential hazard that requires motorists to think for a second and show some degree of courtesy. He dare he? :rolleyes:

The problem is, many motorists don't know how to behave when encountering a cyclist. Some panic, some simply don't care. It really isn't that hard. I rarely cycle on roads these days because of the amount of near misses I've had, and my mate has been knocked over twice (neither time was it his fault AT ALL). Riding too close to the pavement can be very dangerous - drain covers, pot holes, high curbs.

Sure it works both ways - some cyclists can be cocks too, but imho it's always best to take extra care around the more vulnerable road users.
tbf foot path aren't exactly great. most cyclist seem to complain about road condtions, yet pay no tax. motorist pay tax and still the road condition are quite frankly appauling. pot holes all over the place. after repairs the same pot holes come through time an d time again.
tbf foot path aren't exactly great. most cyclist seem to complain about road condtions, yet pay no tax. motorist pay tax and still the road condition are quite frankly appauling. pot holes all over the place. after repairs the same pot holes come through time an d time again.

yes,it took long enough
what tax is it i dont pay?
I agree about the Road tax - it's a joke, my exhaust was damaged by a Deep pot hole
I broke a wheel on a pothole recently...
I broke the suspension on the front right on a pot hole recently...
All on high speed roads, and always on a corner so i can't avoid them without going around a blind corner on the wrong side of the road - a big NO no in my view.

If roads aren't maintained to a higher standard i'll be setting up a protest where No one pays road tax - will take time to set up with police forces due to the new laws with crushing cars etc so the local councils will have untill this is sorted to fix the roads in North london. Hopefully if this protest goes well it will spread all over the UK(y)

As for cyclists (y) I always give them room on the road, treat them as a car really, just need to watch out more. someone fell off there bike in front of me - Hit a pot hole(n) So Clearly the message here is not that women drives hate cyclists. Local Councils hate them so leave pot holes in the road and as a side effect they hurt car drivers also:mad:

:p Just my view..
I agree about the Road tax - it's a joke, my exhaust was damaged by a Deep pot hole
I broke a wheel on a pothole recently...
I broke the suspension on the front right on a pot hole recently...
All on high speed roads, and always on a corner so i can't avoid them without going around a blind corner on the wrong side of the road - a big NO no in my view.

If roads aren't maintained to a higher standard i'll be setting up a protest where No one pays road tax - will take time to set up with police forces due to the new laws with crushing cars etc so the local councils will have untill this is sorted to fix the roads in North london. Hopefully if this protest goes well it will spread all over the UK(y)

As for cyclists (y) I always give them room on the road, treat them as a car really, just need to watch out more. someone fell off there bike in front of me - Hit a pot hole(n) So Clearly the message here is not that women drives hate cyclists. Local Councils hate them so leave pot holes in the road and as a side effect they hurt car drivers also:mad:

:p Just my view..

deary me. do we want to get into this?
what tax pays for the roads?
that would be council tax,which all adults pay excluding those exempted
now think of those who dont drive yet are paying into that kitty to fix "your" roads as many seem to view them
when Im on the bike Im also paying road tax for the car Im not using
car tax is a levy for allowing your car to be used on those roads
All on high speed roads, and always on a corner so i can't avoid them without going around a blind corner on the wrong side of the road - a big NO no in my view.

Should of been driving at a speed where you can spot the hazard and slow down/avoid safely. :devil:

Admittedly that's not always possible, especially when the potholes aren't immediately obvious, until the car is launched into them.:(
tbf foot path aren't exactly great. most cyclist seem to complain about road condtions, yet pay no tax. motorist pay tax and still the road condition are quite frankly appauling. pot holes all over the place. after repairs the same pot holes come through time an d time again.

Quiet a few car drivers do not pay road tax any more or only pay £30 a year... so if you dont want to pay road tax change your car to a more environmentally friendly one

I ride wide out in the road be silly not to as hugging the gutter makes you invisible at most junctions and you have more room to take evasive action should someone pull out on you......
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