Technical Different window rubber, same problem ...

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Technical Different window rubber, same problem ...

Jul 1, 2014

So Fiat replaced this a few months ago. Same issue, rubber getting trapped in the glass. Seeking a suitable 3M adhesive to order, cut and fit to stop the rubber doing this if possible.

Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi Guys

It looks to me as if the window guide inside the bottom of the door is making the glass go up into the frame slightly too far out.

Ie when the door glass goes up it rubs the outer edge of the "u" channel causing it to catch more of the outside section 20200128_205105.jpgof the rubber dragging it up into the "u" channel.

I hope the basic sketch makes sense, there must be some adjustment for this


ps, there used to be little hard rubber triangle thingys on the door rubbers as guides but they all seem to have disappeared probably and aid the aerodynamics
Tim's explanation looks spot-on to me It's not the rubbers that are at fault, it's the alignment of the window-glass.
Hi Guys

It looks to me as if the window guide inside the bottom of the door is making the glass go up into the frame slightly too far out.

Ie when the door glass goes up it rubs the outer edge of the "u" channel causing it to catch more of the outside section View attachment 206047of the rubber dragging it up into the "u" channel.

I hope the basic sketch makes sense, there must be some adjustment for this


ps, there used to be little hard rubber triangle thingys on the door rubbers as guides but they all seem to have disappeared probably and aid the aerodynamics

I agree with all of the above, adjustment would be by moving the regulator slightly in the bottom of the door, at least that’s where I’d start a couple of washers at the very bottom mounting of the regulator would bring the top of the glass inward slightly.

Or fit a set of these and forget about it forever.
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Hi all

Good call Andy. I would go back to the dealer and suggest that they look at it again as its not resolved things, get some of the deflectors in ready for the day you collect the car from repair.

I use these deflectors on my daily use van as they give good air draw without the chuffing noises, You dont get wet from water coming in either.

Hi guys,

I emailed Fiat about it. They told me to book it into their workshop for a look. The car is out of warranty on the 13th and it'd require a day off work so unsure I'll do it.

I'm concerned about Donnelly & Taggart (our Fiat dealer) as this wasn't an issue before I took it to them to have the window rubber replaced under warranty. Who knows what they'll do to it - I suspect rather than fix, cover up... It's also a near 70 mile drive away since they closed the one that was around the corner. Taking a day off work and driving up to them for no resolution is a lot of effort for possibly no result.

The car will still have a Motorpoint warranty until June 2020... Not sure if that's worth the paper it's written on but would it cover such issues?

There is a little stutter in the passenger window going down now, that's what I emailed Fiat about (plus the rubber falling again)

What do you think? Just fix it myself?
Take the day, get the dealer to fix it.

Any fix under warranty that fails again out of warranty should still be covered. Once you start fiddling yourself, all warranty is gone.

Some diagnosis can be done without dismantling anything. As said, the glass might be misaligned, so get someone to operate the window and watch as it arrives at the rubber. Compare with the other side. If misaligned, show/tell the dealer when you arrive. Changing the rubber is possibly only addressing the effect, not the cause.

If the window seems aligned properly, clean the glass well, then polish it, silicone polish on a side window is fine, only the front screen you need to keep that away from.
Take the day, get the dealer to fix it.

Any fix under warranty that fails again out of warranty should still be covered. Once you start fiddling yourself, all warranty is gone.

Some diagnosis can be done without dismantling anything. As said, the glass might be misaligned, so get someone to operate the window and watch as it arrives at the rubber. Compare with the other side. If misaligned, show/tell the dealer when you arrive. Changing the rubber is possibly only addressing the effect, not the cause.

If the window seems aligned properly, clean the glass well, then polish it, silicone polish on a side window is fine, only the front screen you need to keep that away from.

Okay, I'll be wise and take the advice. It'll mean booking a day off this week but if it saves me headache in the future why not.

I can't get the car to replicate it everytime, but when you put down the passenger window it hesitates for a split second then proceeds to go down. There's nothing jammed so I can't picture the issue.

Also, after they replaced the rubber it did drop again as this thread stated originally, though having tucked it in it's been fine since.