too right, I'm a firm believer that before being allowed to go on the road, we should all have to crash or at least spin a car(former would be nicer

) on some kind of a track, a private track with loads of grassy areas to spin off into, and it should have normal width road markings and roundabouts and all sorts.
Point is most people don't know what to do when there wheels come out of align, and I'd say a good 95% just jump on the breaks and freeze.
I say as part of the test we should be shown how to 'control' a slide, or safely get around a really greasy roundabout at speed etc, and also do a lap of a course, and if you can't ge around it in a certain time without straying into the oncoming lane (or thejr other way) or without making the examinar

then they shouldn't be allowed on the road.
Anyway talking RWD and lampposts, I have been practising with my 740 down on the docklands vast concrete swaths and am actually doing pretty well! I can get the tail out, almoston throttle demand, and get it to power slide (well it ain't drifting put it that way) a good 280-300degree;s then pull away from it smoothly. WHich I think is good. I've also slowed down the steering input, as before I was nearly spinnning it on simple dualcarrage way's (you know where you et a tight exit from a roundabout), but I have now learn't to hold on for life, and not correct my steering, and actually the volvo can get around these big sweeping corners much better than the punto:devil: