Just wondering if anyone on here has attempted a cold air feed on a standard airbox?i got a bmc panel filter during the week and am interested to see if a cold air feed would make any difference. The fiilter on its own has improved acceleration and made it a lot smoother so id like to see whats possible without going for an induction kit (my insurance company would rape me if i fitted one).
I was looking in the engine bay and it would be a very tight squeeze to get a pipe under or around the radiator where it can get some air.If anyone has attempted this i would appreciate any feedback. Im intersted to know what type of pipe to use, where to mount it etc.
I was looking in the engine bay and it would be a very tight squeeze to get a pipe under or around the radiator where it can get some air.If anyone has attempted this i would appreciate any feedback. Im intersted to know what type of pipe to use, where to mount it etc.