Cant Undo Bolt! lol!

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Cant Undo Bolt! lol!


Established member
Aug 1, 2005
Not sure where to post this... sorry :S if it's in wrong, pls could some one move it? thanks.

Okay.. basically.. my punto today decided to break the front passenger side shocker.. ;0(! so i bought a whole new strut today.. i wanna replace myself.. and i got everyting reayd etc.. and to find out that i couldnt undo a freaking nut!!!! it was rusted bad.. and stuck like cement.. i already slightly rounded off the edges cuz of it. bah! any suggestions? i tried abit of 2d40. (kept it away from brake drum etc) and no luck! god!
guess you cant nip to a garage and ask for help like i did then? i sumplug was stuck fast i couldnt get it off with a foot long wrench, took it to the garage and he undid it with a 2 foot long one lol.

try cleaning the wrench off and add lots of WD40 then get a bbbiiiiigggg wrench and wiggle it back and forth a little to get it loose then undo it, be causeful not to round the head off
bulldog5046 said:
guess you cant nip to a garage and ask for help like i did then? i sumplug was stuck fast i couldnt get it off with a foot long wrench, took it to the garage and he undid it with a 2 foot long one lol.

try cleaning the wrench off and add lots of WD40 then get a bbbiiiiigggg wrench and wiggle it back and forth a little to get it loose then undo it, be causeful not to round the head off

Hey Ryan do much of this ahhhh Wiggling do you mate :p any way a good soaking with release oil and try a little heat [blowlamp plumbing type]then turn the nut clockwise slightly then anti clockwise to undo this action usually brakes the hold the rust has but if this doesnt work your last resort could be a nut splitter but lets hope it doesnt get to that situation good luck mate (y) and dont forget to use copper grease on the threads of all bolts.
Make sure you use a 6 sided socket otherwise you will round it off. You may need to hit it on with a hammer if it is already rounded a bit. I would wire brush it, heat it up then have a go with a breaker bar and a 6 sided socket. Have you got an impact screwdriver as they usually take 1/2 inch sockets.
