Technical BROKEN - 2015 Grille Mesh

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Technical BROKEN - 2015 Grille Mesh

Mr Ustage

New member
Jan 15, 2016
Afternoon all,

I was just wondering if anyone on here had ever replaced the grille mesh on their car?
Noticed at the weekend that the front grille mesh on my girlfriends 500 is damaged and I wanted to see how big a job it was to replace.

If anyone knew the part numbers as well for the mesh that would be ideal! It is a 65 plate (2015) 500 lounge with front fogs.

Haven't had to replace mine, so can't advise how. All I would say is to make sure whichever grill you buy is the right one for your car. 2015 was the year of the facelift, and I think that affects the grill styling. If your Lounge has foglights, I think it's the newer model. Easy to confirm by checking whether the rear lights have a body coloured panel in their centres.
Apologies if you knew all this already!
You beat me to it Trev! The 2013 grille isn't the same one unfortunately (thanks anyway Werdna).

The one in question looks like:

Looks like it may be intergrated into the front bumper (found a bumper on ebay that looks like it has the grille built in)

I will keep trawling and see if I can find a part number for just the mesh.
I've only seen grilles for the pre-2015 models, so maybe the grille is part of the bumper moulding.

Having said that, grilles and inserts like that one are usually plastic-welded to the bumper, so may be available as a spare part. I would tap up your dealer just to see if it's a separate part and get the part number.

Then it's just a case of hunting around for a replica part. You may be able to get a good second-hand one cheaply from a breaker, particularly if the bumper it is/was attached to has been wrecked but the grille part escaped damage.

Ralf S.