Is this Climate system or with a Resistor pack ?
Resistor failure wiĺl burn plugs.. common fault from 2006 on
Looks like the Climate control PWM module.
To be fair here is the issue.
Most people don't replace the cabin filter, once a car is a few years old. The filter really only takes a year to clog, and is extremely fine so will clog and then it is extremely difficult to move air through it.
The more the fan struggles to move air, the more air resistance it meets and the fan ends up working too hard and as a result needs more power.
More power demand means that it overloads the wiring which is designed to function in normal conditions with a clear filter.
The wires get hot as a result of being overloaded. Eventually the car can catch fire, though as you can see in the pictures the plugs and wiring have burnt but not caught fire showing how resistant to catching fire they are.
This can happen on just about any car that it poorly maintained. Many European cars use the systems for their heating designed by companies like Bosch and Denso, therefore these same issues persist in many different brands.
It is not the fault of the car or the designers, it is the fault of the owners chronically failing to maintain the car, and after a number of years of the fan being overloaded the plugs burn/melt to the point they stop working or fly a fire.... then they blame it on the car.
The lesson here is : - Change your Cabin filters !!!!