Technical 500 1.2 engine

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Technical 500 1.2 engine


One job always leads to another
Jun 3, 2019
west yorks
Will a 500 1.2 engine without aircon go into a car with aircon? Are they totally different? Just confused about where the inlet and outlet pipes go if the engine is without it! Do I need to look for a 1.2 engine that came from a car with aircon... I have 2 cars at the mo both 1.2 but one with and one without aircon .... you can see where I’m going with this one haha
you can see where I’m going with this one haha

If you're thinking about retrofitting aircon to a car that was originally built without it, think no further; just forget it. This would be at least a week's work for a competent mechanic who's familiar with the car. You'd need to remove most of the interior forward of the seats, the steering column has to come out, along with both doors - and that's just to get access to the heater box. Then you've got to fit all the A/C ancillaries into a cramped engine bay, and somehow reprogram the ECU.

OTOH, if you're just looking to swap the engines, I doubt there are any differences in the core unit. Any pipework will be connected to the A/C compressor; obviously you'd need to move that across to the replacement engine.
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No no haha I was wondering if my 1.2 engine in my car without aircon would go into my 1.2 gucci with aircon ?and obviously I want my aircon to work! Would the core of the engine go in and the aircon bits fit around it ?
Would the core of the engine go in and the aircon bits fit around it ?

Basically yes. You just transfer all the ancillaries from the existing engine to its replacement. My own view is that sourcing a secondhand engine is probably more cost effective than trying to fix one with a failed HG that's already had a bodge repair.
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Ok that’s something I suppose.. light at the end of the tunnel haha the mileage would have to change I presume as it’s a bit higher would I have to do anything else in terms of DVLA?
would I have to do anything else in terms of DVLA?

You should notify DVLA if you change the engine. There's a box in Section 7 of the V5C for doing this; just fill in the replacement engine number and send the whole thing to DVLA; they'll update the records and send you a new V5C. This shouldn't cost you anything provided you've got the original V5C.

It's not usual practice to update the mileage after an engine change, and there's no requirement to do so.

It's probably a good idea to keep the invoice (or other proof of ownership) for the replacement engine with the vehicle records.

In pratice, engine numbers are rarely checked.
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Just to add to that - the only connection between the engine and the AC system is normally the belt that drives the compressor unit of the AC. Not knowing the exact setup of the FIAT here, the pulley that drives the belt either is an add on, or an existing belt might be used that drives other ancillaries, e.g generator. I have not been deep enough in the engine room of mine to know the details.
Just to add to that - the only connection between the engine and the AC system is normally the belt that drives the compressor unit of the AC. Not knowing the exact setup of the FIAT here, the pulley that drives the belt either is an add on, or an existing belt might be used that drives other ancillaries, e.g generator. I have not been deep enough in the engine room of mine to know the details.

Yes I believe I have seen that in my car with aircon that should just add to my other 1.2 engine I hope! I’m really confused as to why I never got any check engine light or beep before the engine blew its gasket..... and why nothing showed up in MES
Just to add to that - the only connection between the engine and the AC system is normally the belt that drives the compressor unit of the AC. Not knowing the exact setup of the FIAT here, the pulley that drives the belt either is an add on, or an existing belt might be used that drives other ancillaries, e.g generator. I have not been deep enough in the engine room of mine to know the details.

Single belt just longer for a.c. cars , Merry Christmas
If done carefully you can unbolt the aircon pump from the old engine, put the new (replacement engine in) and bolt the aircon pump back to the new engine, this way you don’t have to open or regas the air con system. However it makes the engine replacement harder.

There is no sensor that tests for a head gasket blowing, it’s a part of the engine that would only put on a warning light after the gasket had blown and only if there was a significant problem detected like loss of or very high oil pressure, problems with the exhaust oxygen levels changing causing an emissions fault etc, the head gasket it’s self is nothing more than a fibrous plate squashed between the engine block and the cylinder head.