I had a 4x4 TA along with a couple of 4x2 Pandas for almost 4 years.
I did actually use mine off road quite a bit.
The 4x4 off road is pretty much peerless and can make some expensive off roaders look out of their depth, there's just nothing else like it on the market.
The 4x4 system works well to sort out grip, it's so light it rarely digs in or cause issues with weight transfer, particularly in the snow and ice.
The engine has just enough torque to crawl out of some really slippy situations on little throttle, first gear is pretty low so that helps there.
Mine was a standard bodied 4x4 not a Cross and the front bumpers "chin" was a bit limiting because it's quite low (better in the Cross), there's even (was) a splitter type flap under there.
It became a real problem on rutted farm tracks or dips in the ground.
Out on the road everyday is where I struggled with mine, particularly commuting around town or long trips.
The low first gear became a real pain in stop start traffic, it's like 1/2 a gear really and as the engine spins up so quick you can slam into the rev limiter really easy at pretty low speeds from the lights, it can wear pretty thin trying to pull away and keep up with the traffic.
If you try to bypass it and pull away in second you have to abuse the clutch a fair bit.
Out on the motorway it was a lot noisier than the 1.2 4x2's.
Quite a lot NVH transmits through the car from the wheels and the engine can make a bit of a din at national limits.
Handling was pretty good for a jacked up small car (far better than my current Stepway), the 4x2 is better but it reminded me of how the older normal 169 Panda handled, a bit of lean but nothing to pull the car off track (unless you're really silly).
I found it far less comfortable though, not sure why but it did seem the seats were more dining chairish than either 4x2's.
I tried jacking the front of the drivers seat up to tilt it back a bit, but no luck.
2 hours in it and I really felt shattered, I can manage around 4 hours in the 4x2s without feeling the same.
I would say if you're floating around locally and plan on some regular off road trips on farm tracks, in and out of muddy fields etc, it's perfect, nothing will beat it for the price.
As an everyday option in case the weather turns, I would say just buy a spare set of wheels and some winter tyres, the 4x4 might be just too much of a compromise particularly if you're going to spend hours at a time in it, slogging through city traffic.
I don't really want to put it down as it did me well, it's just for me it was too compromised Monday to Saturday just to make my Sunday trips easier.
And yes, come trade in time it did me proud, but then it was snowy and icy at the time and no the Stepway isn't much better, perhaps a little better on the road everyday and it does seem to cruise a speed a little better.