Technical 2008 1.4 PETROL 8V. Poor idle, wont rev.

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Technical 2008 1.4 PETROL 8V. Poor idle, wont rev.

Fiat Techs

New member
Sep 23, 2014
H there chaps. just wondering if anyone can help. We have a problem with the doblo and the vehicle has issues starting and idles poorly at 500 rpm. It won't rev. Checked with fiat diagnostic equipment and no faults stored and all parameters are correct. Removed exhaust manifold and it throws flames out of the ports. Fuel mixture in the tank is ok. we suspect the engine ecu. Anyone else have a second opinion ! many thanks the fiat techs !!:worship::confused:
What's the fuel pressure running at ? Have you had a vacuum gauge on it aswell ?
And a filter I take it have you measured the pressure aswell ? Cam belt timing ok ?