This is my first Fiat Ducato.
My van has been offroad for 2 months whilst I have been waiting for the correct parts to be delivered to me.
I only had to change a CV Joint/boot and lower ball joint.
I have had many problems with businesses sending the wrong part even after I supply them with my vin?
Fiat don't have a good reputation here...but it is proabably the issue with getting the right part.
Anyway, last step was putting auto fluid back into auto transmission.
Go to start the car.
Automatic Gear selector appears to be working.
Put foot on brake, and selected park from neutral before turning key all the way.
Engine turns over, engine briefly fires then immediately snuffs out?
I need the engine running as I believe I still have to calibrate the Auto first?
All dash lights appear normal...but I will have to recheck.
I am putting the battery on charge overnight. ( fingers crossed )
It was reading 12.45V before charging.
Perhaps someone may know the things to check?
I can say when I parked it up, it would start first time and engine was purring before it was parked for the cv joint work.
We have had a lot of rain in the past 2 weeks.
I noticed a leak coming from the passenger side below the windscreen.
There seems to be a funnel designed there in the van which directs water into the engine bay from just below the windscreen by design. I noticed it leaks from the pipe that passes into the inside the engine bay and collects at the left hand mount near the auto gearbox. Will need to sort that which means removing trim below windscreen and just above the bonnet.
When it rains, it really pours here.
Is this a common fault with Ducatos?
Anyway, will let you know if the battery charging does the trick?
Anyone with similar experience, suggestions welcome?
This is my first Fiat Ducato.
My van has been offroad for 2 months whilst I have been waiting for the correct parts to be delivered to me.
I only had to change a CV Joint/boot and lower ball joint.
I have had many problems with businesses sending the wrong part even after I supply them with my vin?
Fiat don't have a good reputation here...but it is proabably the issue with getting the right part.
Anyway, last step was putting auto fluid back into auto transmission.
Go to start the car.
Automatic Gear selector appears to be working.
Put foot on brake, and selected park from neutral before turning key all the way.
Engine turns over, engine briefly fires then immediately snuffs out?
I need the engine running as I believe I still have to calibrate the Auto first?
All dash lights appear normal...but I will have to recheck.
I am putting the battery on charge overnight. ( fingers crossed )
It was reading 12.45V before charging.
Perhaps someone may know the things to check?
I can say when I parked it up, it would start first time and engine was purring before it was parked for the cv joint work.
We have had a lot of rain in the past 2 weeks.
I noticed a leak coming from the passenger side below the windscreen.
There seems to be a funnel designed there in the van which directs water into the engine bay from just below the windscreen by design. I noticed it leaks from the pipe that passes into the inside the engine bay and collects at the left hand mount near the auto gearbox. Will need to sort that which means removing trim below windscreen and just above the bonnet.
When it rains, it really pours here.
Is this a common fault with Ducatos?
Anyway, will let you know if the battery charging does the trick?
Anyone with similar experience, suggestions welcome?