Technical 1.3d power down and fix

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Technical 1.3d power down and fix

Dec 10, 2006
wilmslow, cheshire
so this applies to the 1.3d 90bhp

last week I noticed that the engine wasnt pulling anywhere near enough in particular in third gear

when I first got the car, I had to replace the Pressure Converter valve which controls the turbo vanes, it felt a little like that was at fault, it was a Pierburg that I bought originally, when I bought it a couple of days later another arrived [sent from autodoc], the seller had sent it twice.... I told them about it and they said keep it as it from posted from germany [I think].

So I put that spare on, no different.

Yesterday I thought I would get the front up on ramps to check the turbo pipes etc, anyway where the plastic pipe that goes between air filter to turbo inlet, it was loose over the turbo so therefore when boosting the turbo would have sucked in air from the easiest place and not through the air filter, this air would have bypassed the MAF Sensor meaning the fuelling wasnt right. Also you could hear the turbo whining more.

Once the pipe was tight, checked for fault codes [none] and back out on the road all is well again, pulling with lots of power in the right places.

Free fixes are always the best! :D