Like button?

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Like button?

Mar 10, 2009
Isle of Wight
I was thinking.. we can't thank anyone in LL, although if i agree with someone or find something useful for whatever reason we could acknowledge their post or be seen to agree or like what they have said. I'm not saying this could be added in a similar way to the thank button, but also shown on the thread itself? Just an idea, and maybe pointless.. but i keep finding myself wanting to show my gratification in LL without actually commenting. Thus further integrating FF even more with facebook? Could be a completely stupid suggestion, but i've had a few beers and am putting it out there :p
Yeah that's due to the way it pulls in the data - dunno if it counts as a bug as such, more a limitation.

Now removal is more tricky. Not because it needs to be coded in, actually the code is already there. But trying to get it to look nice.

At the moment, if enabled, it works by showing the normal icon then putting "Remove X" next to it, which looks a bit gash.

I'll have a think about a workaround :)