Technical Front side rattle

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Technical Front side rattle


New member
Jan 4, 2006
Hi guys,

I have irritating problem with MKII punto (2003). Last few months there is annoying rattle from foront passanger side. Two days ago car was on lift and whole suspension, engine, eghstaust, everything is great shape. Than i noticed that rattle is inside, because on outside you can't hear it.
I tried removing passanger compartment (shelf), but behinded is plastic wich is welded, same as behined center console, so I can't have look behind. Sound is like 2 levers hitting each other, and you can ony hear it when driving over holes, or bumps.
Any idea what in interiror can make such nosie, and how to get in there for pete's sake...
I don't belive, baecause they were changed less than 10 000km, or some 1.5 ago...
Somewhere on forum i found same thing on stilo jdt, and it was worn gearbox mount. Could it be with 1.2 petrol?
Rear engine mount is the one that normally perishes, it would bang and the engine would move excessively when you put your foot down.
could it be the blower motor? (if that is the name)

it's under the glovebox and u'll hear it only from the inside
well that's good point, with blower motor, but sound is metallic, and motor is plastic... i will check it in morning.
But i am wondering this with engine mount because i found significant number of people with problem like this on stilo, and solution was gearbox mount, as crazy as it sounds (i thought that you should hear it from the outside, but apperantly not).
Can you describe me where is rear engine mount located, an can I test it somehow?