General Drivers seat

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General Drivers seat

May 10, 2010
Bit pissed off, just noticed a gash in the drivers seat of our Active.
It's only done 25k.

Looks like there's a metal bar with a sharp edge inside the seat that's cut through.


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Lets have a look at them then Demi.
I'll take pictures tomorrow, as its dark and seats are in the garage (council rented garage) so no lights there. Where about r u. Dont know if Barnet is far from u... Btw seats r in the garage coz I got Abarth seats fitted just letting u know they r in a great condition and not in the garage as scrap metal :D.
They do, and it'll take 1 person 10-15 mins (if that) to swap them, literally, u move seat forward and undo 2 nuts at the back of the seat with socket set, then move seat backward and undo 2 front nuts and seat comes out.

But... I have 1 but. Abarth seats had 3 out of 4 brackets that fit Panda. 4th bracket... the rear bracket near the door side on each seat had to be swapped. So that bracket is missing on my seats. If u want to install my seats u'll have to do the same i'm afraid. ei drill 2 rivets out on ur 4th bracket and then bolt it down to my seats to get them in.

I dont know how much scrappy will charge u for a seat but I can do u a deal and will help u install them if u want (free of charge). its not difficult at all. Also, if I'm not mistaken, 100hp seats r a bit better that what u have atm so will be an upgrade (y)
Hi Goudrons, as promised here are some pictures.

Seats are in great condition, just dusty and have sweat marks on them, easily washed. I'll clean then on the week end and take few more pictures.

U can see the back near door side bracket is missing here. Just 2 holes from it.

Thats one of the brackets and the pop rivets that u will have on ur seats bracket that need to be drilled out to take the bracket off. Sorry for poor picture, took it in pitch black garage...

And thats the missing bracket on Abarth seat bolted on the the frame. Thats basically what needs to be done to install these seats.

Hope this helps :)
I dont know, 50 quid each? 100 for 2 seats and I'll help to install? has to be weekend thou. This weekend I'm free for example and I have the tools, so u just have to bring ur seat and cash :D

Dont know if 50 quid is pricey or not, see some driver seats on ebay for pandas around 100 quid. So I not the best person to value them. :eek:
I'll see what my "boss" says, it's her car really.
Except when I paid for it and it wants fuel, tax, mot, servicing, fixing and cleaning!
Though £100 sounds good to me, for both fronts.
I'll let you know asap.
Sorry Demi, after a heated debate with my ruler, "we've" decided on new seats, attached to a new feckin' car!

"We're" deciding on colour, trim and extras and one of us is losing!

Not to worry mate. Sorry but I'm afraid that the laughter I'm having right now is somehow at your expense...:D:D:D

I hope "we" going to be happy with what ever "we" end up picking... :devil: