General Pinky The Panda Fundraising Thread

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General Pinky The Panda Fundraising Thread


Spirito di Panto!
Oct 17, 2005
Princes Risborough, Bucks
Hi Everyone,

I have set up a new thread for Pinky The Panda, as the other one is getting a bit cluttered. This will be for fundraising info, news, etc, and I will add the pledges from the other thread at some point.

Latest news flash :idea: Pinky The Panda hits easyfundraising :idea:

Righty ho, all of you need to start using the following 2 links please - register and start raising money!

Have a look round the website and start using the links for stuff you buy anyway - Pinky The Panda will get money raised by you doing this. Some of the best ways of raising money are to use one of the offers - for example register a new Ebay account, bid on a car, and raise £4.50 - sounds like an easy way to raise money so I will set up another account, bid on a 99p car, and Pinky gets £4.50! There are some significant donations for some of the bigger purchases.

Also make sure you look at who's offering commission - for example Amazon give a donation for purchases of cd's & books - only a little at a time, but it soon mounts up.

An Easy Way To Raise Funds
Do you shop online? Did you know that every time you buy something you could be raising money for Pinky The Panda?

That’s right - over 3000 well known retailers including Amazon, M&S, Boden, Waitrose, House of Fraser, Vodafone, Virgin Atlantic and many more, will donate a percentage of what you spend to Pinky The Panda! when you shop with them, via fundraising website

It’s like nectar but instead of earning points, each purchase generates a donation. So instead of going directly to a retailer’s website, go to easyfundraising first and choose the retailer you want to shop with – then everything you spend with that retailer earns a free donation for Pinky The Panda. It’s completely free to use and your shopping won’t cost you a penny more. On average, each retailer will donate 5% of the cost of your shopping - and those donations soon mount up.

So whatever you need to buy, from your weekly grocery shop or fashion must-have, to your business travel, office supplies or mobile phone, buy it via easyfundraising and raise money for Pinky The Panda at no extra cost to you! Please register to support us when you shop online -

Remember this is money for nothing!! Use the search function too and we will start to raise money

Are you one of the millions of people that use a search engine every day? Switch your searching to easysearch and raise money!

Every time you search the web using instead of Google or any other search engine, half a penny is raised for Pinky The Panda. Search just 15 times a day and you can raise around £25 a year.

Come on lets get loads of supporters - this one you can't avoid, as it doesn't cost you anything :)

Bank account news soon - watch this space (y)
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Look what I saw outside Tesco the other morning :eek:

Those of us who committed the £50 for the car, who and where does that money need to go to?

Hi Adam & others,

We had a bit of a false start with a certain bank who took 2 weeks to tell us they needed war & peace, 300 committee members, and a couple of ritual sacrifices - we had trouble with the sacrificial virgin bit, so gave up!! (n)

I am now waiting for Nationwide to send a (hopefully) easier application form, before an account is set up. Sorry, but it's proving quite hard to open the account! :rolleyes:

If anyone desperately wants to pay money, I am happy to hold cheques (payable to Pinky The Panda, as I'm confident it will be possible to open an account before Pinky dissolves) until the account is open, but it's probably better to wait. If anyone does want to send money, please pm me for where to send it.

Cheers, Gavin (y)
Does anyone out there have the knowledge to knock up a simple website for us?

It doesn't need to be complicated, in fact simple is better. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of these things, and even less interest :eek:

I am thinking someone could easily knock something up, attach it to their existing website (to avoid separate hosting costs), and have a rosy (pink) glow for helping out. I think the domain names we might want are cheap so that shouldn't be a problem.

Offers please - c'mon I know there are non-luddites out there :worship:
Does anyone out there have the knowledge to knock up a simple website for us?

It doesn't need to be complicated, in fact simple is better. Unfortunately I have no knowledge of these things, and even less interest :eek:

I am thinking someone could easily knock something up, attach it to their existing website (to avoid separate hosting costs), and have a rosy (pink) glow for helping out. I think the domain names we might want are cheap so that shouldn't be a problem.

Offers please - c'mon I know there are non-luddites out there :worship:
I would love to but have nothing to host on :( I might be able to persuade my networking teacher to allow me to use one of our servers on my course....
I would love to but have nothing to host on :( I might be able to persuade my networking teacher to allow me to use one of our servers on my course....

Are any of the so called "free" hosting things actually free? I came across but don't have enough technical knowledge to check for cons in it! Also if I buy a couple of domains and "park" them in my own account (or whatever it's called), can we then use them for any website host? Wouldn't want to cause more problems than I solve by blundering around as I really am a Luddite at heart!!

Just had a thought ben is there any way to add a Pinky website to whatever you host this forum on, without knackering your system??

I'm going to shut up now before it becomes blindingly obvious how little computer knowledge I have........... :eek:
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I could also add it to my web page and keep it updated with progress reports on the restoration. I do have to pay a monthly fee for what I have but can speak to them tomorrow and see if they will add it for free.
I could also add it to my web page and keep it updated with progress reports on the restoration. I do have to pay a monthly fee for what I have but can speak to them tomorrow and see if they will add it for free.

Thanks for the offers, I think Vernon has managed to sort it out while the forum was playing with Sandy.

We need everyone to start using the fundraising site though please - we only have 6 registered so far.

We have already raised £6.55 though so it could work well!! As an example Ebay paid £4.50 when I set up another account with them and we received 8p for buying some spark plugs which I was buying anyway!!

If we can get everyone involved, plus friends family etc, this would become a significant source of FREE funding (y)
It's still free whether you choose to support us or another charity! It doesn't cost anything to help raise money = free (y)

And anyway you can support more than one good cause & swap around as you want to on this website.
It's still free whether you choose to support us or another charity! It doesn't cost anything to help raise money = free (y)

And anyway you can support more than one good cause & swap around as you want to on this website.

I don't think you followed, it's not free if you're (the donator) not getting the money like you would using a cashback website like topcashback or quidco. Means the charity is getting the money and not you. Not an issue if it's what you want to do, but it's still a cost - a sacrifice if you like.

Although its a sacrifice thats well worth it :)
Thanks for the offers, I think Vernon has managed to sort it out while the forum was playing with Sandy.

Yep, web page is sorted. (y)

I approached the people that did mine and they've added a Pinky section to mine so that I can update it as the restoration unfolds. I will also add details of up coming events that Pinky will be attending. The same stuff will go on this thread but not everyone looks at the Forum. Strange :nutter: They also agreed to wave the charges and donate £20 to the cause. (y)

There's a local classic car show on the 11th Nov. so I've entered Pinky as a test run before the NEC. I think this one will be a good one to collect for 'Race for life' if I can get some pink buckets.

It's being held at Newbury racecourse (RG14 7NZ) if anyone wants to come along. (y)
Yep, web page is sorted. (y)

I approached the people that did mine and they've added a Pinky section to mine so that I can update it as the restoration unfolds. I will also add details of up coming events that Pinky will be attending. The same stuff will go on this thread but not everyone looks at the Forum. Strange :nutter: They also agreed to wave the charges and donate £20 to the cause. (y)

There's a local classic car show on the 11th Nov. so I've entered Pinky as a test run before the NEC. I think this one will be a good one to collect for 'Race for life' if I can get some pink buckets.

It's being held at Newbury racecourse (RG14 7NZ) if anyone wants to come along. (y)

Great news (y)

I managed to get a couple of pink buckets yesterday Vernon, ready for the NEC. I found them in one of those any old rubbish type back-street shops in a horrible part of a horrible nearby town - I thought they were a bit pricy at £1.50 each but when I got to the till it was BOGOF so 2 were that price!! I'm not going to offer to post them for your show though, as it will cost more than that to send :p

I might be able to go to that show though - do you have any more info?