124 Spider (Classic) Lost Spider finds its way home!

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124 Spider (Classic) Lost Spider finds its way home!


New member
Apr 10, 2020
Through a crazy turn of events, I was able to find my first car and buy it back from the person my dad sold it to more than 25 years ago. (literally the exact same car from when I was 16 years old) To my surprise, it has sat in a garage since the early 1990s and was only brought outside last year. It still has the parking stickers from my high school and local community college. It looks and feels like it did when I drove it, even smells the same. So of course when I found it for $1500 I couldn't pass up the deal. Now it is back home awaiting resurrection. I'm sure there will be lots of work ahead but what else am I going to do while the country is on Coronavirus lockdown? Lookinging forward to hours of quality time with dad and the kids as we work to get her back on the road!
Love that, thanks for sharing.
There is a really good 124 community in USA.
Plus there are some fantastic 124 websites with amazingly help refurb info, sorry can't remember names at moment.
Good luck.