Long long loooooooong waits at traffic lights

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Long long loooooooong waits at traffic lights

Mar 15, 2002
Driving in Taipei can be a real pain sometimes, going down a main street and you'll get stuck at loads of traffic lights, many of them with over 90 second waits!

Bangkok has some even worse ones - there's a 6 minute one on one junction!

But I'm sure things in the UK weren't like that? Or am I just noticing it more due to there being a count down next to the red :D
I have always thought that it is a good idea that you have out in the Far East, where you can actually see the timer countdown to when it is your "turn" to go. We don't have that here so consequently most people have no idea how long the delay is.
We have a junction near us that lets about 4 cars through, or 1 if the person at the front was too busy talking to notice thsat the lights had changed!
Sometimes it's good (so you can know whether or not to start slowing down when approaching a red) - but at other times it's totally infuriating (when you are in a hurry and know you need to wait 120 seconds grrrr...)

Thailand is cool because it has counters for green too - so you know whether you need to jump on the gas pedal to make the lights up ahead!