"arc is not a member of any public groups"

Currently reading:
"arc is not a member of any public groups"


this is where i stand
Oct 8, 2003
Ponderage here;

If you look in your profile under group membership, it says not a member of any public groups. Are there any groups.. like are you lot hiding private groups from me, and i'm not cool enough to be in your clubs :( Or are there none set up.

Can we set some groups up.. not sure what yet - but i want something other than "arc is not a member of any public groups" written there.

btw, what you think to my new avatar? :D
I am in several....nobody likes you two :D We all discuss how to keep you out of our little gangs actively.
i think i brought this up with ben a while ago. basically it is a feature for something or other that is available in this forum but is not activated because we don't need it. Sorry about vaugeness. Twas a while ago now.

Love the avatar!(y)
have we sussed out the groups thing.. i can't tell whats going on anymore :(

woman off TV? I had my hair cut because i looked like the girl from the ring apparently!

My long hair did allow for a good mad professor look tho (y)