The Sparks

Youtube showed the coilpack and leads removed..

I just simplified that:

Undo the 3x bolts holding the coilpack..buys a little free space around plugs

I used tape to mark leads for cylinders 1 and 3 ( to save muddling leads..and having issues)

Pull plug lead #1 ( timing end)

Experiment with your tools here.. you want 'a straight line' from the plug up to 'space' where you can apply the necessary torque
Youtube talked of moving injector wiring.. I didnt need to

Wind out the plug... then carefully remove it

Swap plug.. carefully lowering it into the plug hole

A tip..
when it has gone Tight.. back it out 6 turns.. if its still in the threads :good

If it has come loose: you were cross threaded

Carefully wind down into its threaded hole

NEW PLUGS.. have a deformable sealing washer.. so feel odd when applying their 1st torque

When torqued Refit the plug lead.. they have resistance from the rubber boot then 'ride over' the electrical contactRepat this procedure for the 3 remaining plugs.

I lined up all 4 Comparing their 'burn colours'

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