Reinstalling The Lock

Open the boot again, Now to install the mech it's more or less the reverse of removing. Again you don't have to remove the latch mech it just makes the job easier.

First off side the barrel mech into hole, swinging the arm around again, then align the lock front and the hole in the boot, if you have the latch mech out you can see what's go
ing on through the hole left for it.
Then bolt the barrel mech back on.

Next you connect the latch and barrel mechs. With your right hand in the right hand boot handle/access hole find the connecting arm of the barrel mech, with the latch mech in your left hand manuver the latch mech leavers into the boot cavity and align with the ball on the latch mech to the ball socket on the end barrel mech leaver arm. I'd hold the latch mech still and firmly push the socket onto the ball until is snaps in. Bolt the latch mech back onto the boot and check that everything works. You'll probably find that the lock is now a little stiff, this is apparently normal until the nylon sleve wears in, you can see why here.
Previous page: Swapping The Lock Barrels