
Tipo (Classic) Tipo restoration H346 LEY


O.k guys, so my name in Michael Dranfield, I am a electronics engineer by trade and I fell in love with Fiat cars in the 80s when I had a Fiat 128, I am no expert mechanic, if it takes a garage 2 hours to do a job it will take me 4 , however I like playing with cars, I always have done.
For the last 25 years I have had a Fiat Tipo , I bought it in 1991 when it was 1 year old, its a Red 1.4DGT G204XBC, with parts getting harder to come by 3 years ago I saw a silver 1.6 DGT on e bay and we struck a deal at £300 , the intention was just to use it for future spare parts use, however when I got the car back , some 60 odd miles from Ellesmere port to Buxton in Derbyshire and after having a good look round I realized this car is a minter with huge classic potential and far to good to use for spares, so I decided to stip it down bit by bit , replace anything that could be bought brand new and microscopical de rust any metal parts right down to bare metal and re paint.
Here are photos of the car as it is now, I have been doing this for 3 years now on and off between my work, so dont expect any quick updates !
My workshop is so big I can park several cars inside so during quiet periods I can play with the Tipo.

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Michael Dranfield
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