this it my liitle poket rocket so far.
this is a list of the mods ive done so far.
d shape black n silver steering wheel.
couler coded dash and vents
ripspeed dvd flip out head unit.(removed vent and custom made holder.)
custom door cards with 10cm jbl speekers
jbl 500 watt 69ns in shelf.
1400 watt 2 channel neon jbl amp
1000 watt jbl sub.
sports pedals.
sports gear knob.
sports hand bracke.
custom ax gt spoiler.
custom astra side skirts.
custom evo style bonnet vent. and de baged
metro gsi 7 spoke 13inc alloys.(painted black)
painted calipers.
debaged boot leaving the sporting.
custom exhurst
rocer/ecu braket/water botle lid painted silver.
induction kit.
i think thats it so far. im still looking 4 a front and rear bumper 4 it be 4 it goes 2 paint. my dads doing the paint ob in the summer i might have it re painted in silver but with the glitter. my dad done it 2 his supra and looks proper in the sun.
thanks 4 looking let us know wat you think.
cheas pingu.
this is a list of the mods ive done so far.
d shape black n silver steering wheel.
couler coded dash and vents
ripspeed dvd flip out head unit.(removed vent and custom made holder.)
custom door cards with 10cm jbl speekers
jbl 500 watt 69ns in shelf.
1400 watt 2 channel neon jbl amp
1000 watt jbl sub.
sports pedals.
sports gear knob.
sports hand bracke.
custom ax gt spoiler.
custom astra side skirts.
custom evo style bonnet vent. and de baged
metro gsi 7 spoke 13inc alloys.(painted black)
painted calipers.
debaged boot leaving the sporting.
custom exhurst
rocer/ecu braket/water botle lid painted silver.
induction kit.
i think thats it so far. im still looking 4 a front and rear bumper 4 it be 4 it goes 2 paint. my dads doing the paint ob in the summer i might have it re painted in silver but with the glitter. my dad done it 2 his supra and looks proper in the sun.
thanks 4 looking let us know wat you think.
cheas pingu.