Technical Fiat Tow bar wiring kit

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Technical Fiat Tow bar wiring kit

May 12, 2012
Purchased genuine fiat wiring kit,opened the box in anticipation as to what might be in there to give me hours of grief and cussing, but know, the kit fitted perfectly all plug and play with no issues other than that its rely gear up for the qubo as you have to run a loom under the rear seats,so i just ran the loom in the void above the rear doors,and getting a feed direct to the battery was a bit tricky.
The bulb sensor feature works ok, and no cambus errors came up.
The only thing is there is no audible warning on the indicators, like on other kits i've fitted........? if anyone can advise on that small issue.
So, to some up the kit, well worth it
One other thing, you need to fit a fog light to your trailer otherwise you will get a bulb error.
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Purchased genuine Fiat wiring kit,opened the box in anticipation as to what might be in there to give me hours of grief and cussing, but no, the kit fitted perfectly all plug and play with no issues other than that it's really gear up for the Qubo as you have to run a loom under the rear seats,so I just ran the loom in the void above the rear doors and getting a feed direct to the battery was a bit tricky.
The bulb sensor feature works ok, and no can-bus errors came up.
The only thing is, there's no audible warning on the indicators, like on other kits I've fitted........? If anyone can advise on that small issue.
So, to sum up the kit, well worth it
One other thing, you need to fit a fog light to your trailer otherwise you will get a bulb error.

Do you not get a heavier duty flasher relay in the kit?
Anytime I've ever had a towbar fitted, a red light got placed on the dash somewhere and it flashes once if nothing's connected to the tow-socket and if you have a trailer with the lights-bar connected, it flashes whenever the indicators are used - in time with the dashboard repeaters. Also a beeper sounded... presumably that (and the extra repeater light) was to tell you (indicate? :)) that all was well behind your rear bumper.

On a loosely related subject, if you're fitting LED indicators to the car to replace filament lamps, you can buy a flasher relay which gets round the 'blown-lamp' scenario (fast flashing) which fitting lower current draw leds can produce. I can't find an eBay link at the moment.
In my current car's Haynes manual, it has the pin out and types drawn so you can buy the right one but as I've already posted, Haynes aren't doing a manual despite the tens of thousands of Fiorino/Bipper/Nemos sold :mad: Somewhere there is a unit to fit.
Here is a link to a standard Mk.3 Fiorino flasher unit so rather than taking yours out, make a copy of the picture (nicely labelled tabs) for browsing when you next visit Halfords or even just do a long trawl of the available ones on the bay and ask the seller if it's compatible (if a table doesn't appear on their listing).


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I get what your saying,but that is old skool wiring,this kit includes a module with two female connectors which after unpluging the rear light multi plugs from the clusters you plug them in the female version, and then plug in the two new rear light cluster plugs which come from the module, then there is a fused feed already made up to connect direct to the battery.
Then there is a cable that goes to the trailer socket, job done!
on a test, i removed a trailer bulb and it brought a error on the dash, and if you remove a indicator bulb the flashers flash fast, so it the module does know there is a trailer connected, but there is no audible sound like in the old day's to remind you that you are towing something........... as you can forget sometimes.
How old are you R V M ?

Hehe - I didn't say I was driving them 'new'!!

I had the Viva when I was at college (1978) and the LR when I had been working long enough to afford the purchase (but not the running costs - it was a petrol model). I think it was 6 or 8 years old when I got it.

I'm a youthful 55 ;)

Well I'm 50 on the 13th, where did it all go?

A lot of it was spent under the bonnets of various cars! I think I've had about 33 in my driving time, must count up one day. Currently on my 8th RAV4 which I'm keeping.

The only van I've owned (apart from an HA Viva Van for 2 weeks) was an ex-GPO Moggy Minor. That was a classic of its age. H reg, London plate. SO much easier messing under the bonnet in those days - maintenance was topping up the dashpots of an SU carburettor..

Ah, nostalgia ain't what it used to be :)

(Previously a white one and a blue one - which used to be yellow)
Sorry for the digression
My first van at the age of 19 was a mk1 escort van which i fitted a 1.8 litre twin cam fiat engine in,along with the gear box,back axle was ford, caprie disc's and calipers, as the van only had drums on the front,mag alloys 13'' 5j on the front and the back one were that wide they stuck out from the arches by about 3 '', so the arches were cut out and ford transit ones were grafted on,never got round to painting it spent the rest of it's life in grey primer and red oxide [paint, and dark blue which was the original colour.
datsun 100a front seats, and escort mexico 6 dial dash!
I sold it to a guy who raced it, but don't know the outcome.
sometimes i wish i still had it, it was a labor of love. ha ho