General Distant knocking

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General Distant knocking

Nov 30, 2005
Having read the 'Your cento making funny noises?' thread and searched around, I haven't found something that exactly matches what I have.

When idling, the engine gently shakes the whole car, the intensity can best be described by saying that the vision from my wing mirrors goes a bit blurred.

Then, at random points I hear this quite distant sounding knocking. My ears tell me this is coming from behind me, but I don't know what could possibly be knocking back there, apart from exhaust maybe.

Maybe my lower engine mount has gone, it seems to be a common problem, but I haven't a clue how to test if it has. I can take a pic though. I had a quick look under there when it was idling and it moves around.

I don't really know how to describe the knocking either, its not a heavy CLUNK CLUNK of dry metal to metal contact, more of a softer toned knocking.

col7104 said:
Then, at random points I hear this quite distant sounding knocking. My ears tell me this is coming from behind me, but I don't know what could possibly be knocking back there, apart from exhaust maybe.
Are you a gangster? Perhaps you have someone locked in the boot?! :p
Hmmmmmm, I thought I got my homies to dispose of last night's victim.:D

I've got a pic of the mount, not a very good one but it's a start.


Also, it sounds like my fuell pump, after a long drive, or when the engines nice and hot, the pump starts to make a high pitched whine. I think it's the pump, unless anyone can tell any different. Is this something to be worried about?
Can't tell much from the pic, but I'm 95% sure the gearbox mount (AKA rear engine mount) has bitten the dust. The banging sounds like the exhaust belting the tyre, maybe. This could be engine mount related or --- on Seis, at least -- the back box breaks away from the main tube.

I wonder if the whine is actually the fan?
Hi, I say fuel pump because if I turn the engine off, then turn the key until it primes the engine, the same noise occurs. I take it I have pictured the mount you are highlighting? I've taken a look at some diagrams, do I have to buy a whole new mount, or what looks like a sort of bush that goes on top of it. Price for the mount was around 30, the thing on top was 19 I think.
I take it I have pictured the mount you are highlighting? I've taken a look at some diagrams, do I have to buy a whole new mount, or what looks like a sort of bush that goes on top of it. Price for the mount was around 30, the thing on top was 19 I think.
That's it. You just need the rubber bit and nylon bit. Only thing to be careful of is that you put it on the right way round (check the old one) otherwise it'll self destruct within a month. I know, I've done it.:eek:
OK, comparing the picture, the rubber bit looks like it could be a so called 'pad', part number 46765087 which is listed as £17.10. Am not sure what this nylon bit could be, unless it forms a part of this pad.

Does that price and description sound right? If so I'll be off to bug Shooweenick at the Fiat dealer again:D

I heard the fuel pump again when driving today, again when the engine was warmed up. Anyone?
Just been to the FIAT dealer, he said I described something more misfire related with the vibrations. Tomorrow their getting one of the mechanics to go out on a road test with me to see what it is. Just now I sat in the car and tried to get it to do the knocking from behind thing and it wouldn't do it! When the fan comes on and the revs drop I hear a different knocking more, from the engine, but this could mean it's bottom end knocking doesn't it??:cry:
What did it end up being.

I also need to replace the rear/ geabox mount though cant find it on shop4parts. Could anyone help please? Iv also got the mount on my desk at work now and cant see how the nylon would seperate. The rubber seems fused to the the metal mounting plate.
Just my luck, no codes present lol. He ran through all the tests you can do with it, all of it was fine, so I'm no closer to an outcome. I'll pop in at the FIAT place and tell him what was found (or lack of).

Those code things are so cool! Real time read out of what the engines doing etc. He said the engine could be idling a little on the low side, which could be making the vibrations. He took a look at the exhaust, apart from copius amounts of crap in the box which shakes around when you hit it, that's fine.

I'll see what FIAT have to say.
I've got a similar thing and I've been told it's due to the flexi pipe being messed up and that's knocking (had the rear engine mount replaced just before though and its still knocking - think it was that anyway) and looking at your pic, the flexi looks a bit old, is there much movement on there? And sorry to hi-jack but wouldn't anyone know that if in my case that the flexi is quiet messed and was leaking air, could that effect the performance with the back pressure? Because it's doesn't perform right :(