Technical Headlamp adjustment

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Technical Headlamp adjustment

Dec 3, 2003
The land that time forgot
Rasputin, the Younger Mrs S' 1.2 Pop has obviously led an interesting life, including a mild disagreement (on several occasions) with various objects.

One of these twisted the front radiator mounting member... which was not improved by what looks like a less serious but equally metal rending incident on the other corner.

I have managed to improve, if not entirely solve, the interface between o/side headlamp, bumper and bonnet... (it looked like Mr Spock raised eyebrow before) but the aim of the headlamps is not 100% where it should be.

Without a full-on MOT spec' headlamp aim adjuster or other equipment, how can I check the headlamp aim? The headlight adjusters in both lamps appear to work okay so ought to be able to correct the aim to the proper position... but where is it?

In the old days car manuals used to have a diagram that involved aiming the beams at a flat surface (garage door etc) from a set distance away and ensuring that the beam fit into a particular sized rectangle etc.. but is there anyone left alive who remembers/knoes the details?


Ralf S.
In the old days car manuals used to have a diagram that involved aiming the beams at a flat surface (garage door etc) from a set distance away and ensuring that the beam fit into a particular sized rectangle etc.. but is there anyone left alive who remembers/knoes the details?

You can still do this; there are various guides & videos on the 'net, including one from Kwik-Fit to help you pass your MOT :eek:.

There are also a set of diagrams, with the permitted tolerances, in the MOT inspection manual.

That said, providing the adjustment screws are accessible and turn easily, many MOT testers will do this on the fly for no extra charge - it takes only a minute or two when the alignment is being checked. This is permitted in the testing regulations; from the MOT Inspection manual:

"You must not carry out repairs during an MOT test, but you can make minor adjustments to the headlamp aim."
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