Unknown warning light

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Unknown warning light


New member
Apr 6, 2014
Hey not sure what this warning light means. Can anyone clear it up.

apologies for the bad drawing but this is roughly what it looks like.

Firstly, what car /model /year is the car?

But I'm going to guess something to do.with a faulty handbrake? But that's a guess I could be completely wrong
It's a Punto but that's all I know not sure on the rest. And I don't have the hand book to hand its back at my parents house. I have the car at university at the moment
Cheers! Do you know whats causing it to come on? Also its not constant it flashes.

Also checked car model its

Punto Dynamic
Cheers! Do you know whats causing it to come on? Also its not constant it flashes.

Usually one of two things: low gearbox oil; or a short/dodgy earth, somewhere (usually in the reversing light cluster -- which will need removing, and all the connector pins cleaned until you can see your face in them...!). :idea:

I would start with the light cluster -- presuming it is a Speedgear semi-automatic...? -- and, whilst you're there, clean out the crud that gets trapped between the cluster and the body. You'll find the wheel-bolt wrench in the toolkit (in the spare wheel, in the boot) fits the light fixings (hidden behind panels in the rear pillars) perfectly...! (y)

You can check the gearbox oil level easily. There should be a dipstick (yellow handle) to the front, nearside of the engine compartment -- with cold or hot level markings. Even if it's cold, turn the engine on for a moment, whilst changing through the gears a couple of times (with your foot on the break...). Then turn the engine off. The level should be at least at 'cold'; and should be clean, and lightish coloured. :)

If you don't know the car's history -- or the oil is sludgy and dirty -- get the oil changed: for proper CVT stuff, along with a new filter (Shop4parts is your best bet -- but the filters and oil aren't cheap -- although you can get a discount if you donate to the forum...). :eek:

If it's not an automatic, ignore all the above. (And I've just wasted ten minutes of my life...!?) Although I don't remember seeing this symbol on a manual.... :confused:
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