Raspberry Pi

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Raspberry Pi

would be great to do some carputer type stuff especially when some people are putting together OBD2 compliant hardware to interface it so your carputer could access your engine ECU data to display stuff like fuel use engine temps etc

Nothing new about that. Carputer's have been around for ages and ODB2 readers often a part of it. Using it to read fault codes and run logging is more useful :worship: (y)

Had one on my Coupe 20vT got a engine warning light. Injector #5 fault, pulled over swapped injector and carried on (I happened to have spare injectors in the boot lol) :slayer:.
would be great to do some carputer type stuff especially when some people are putting together OBD2 compliant hardware to interface it so your carputer could access your engine ECU data to display stuff like fuel use engine temps etc

You're better off just using an Android phone, Torque and a bluetooth OBD2 reader for that;



You're better off just using an Android phone, Torque and a bluetooth OBD2 reader for that;

Thats not really the point in the raspberry Pi, its not about letting someone else do all the work for you.

its about working things out for yourself and working with others to solve problems
its about working things out for yourself and working with others to solve problems

and part of that process is realising that you don't need to reinvent the wheel.

I'm all for tinkering with mobile SoCs, and programming (hey it's my job!) - but something things don't need to be done again for the sake of it!
but that is exactly the point in the raspberry pi! the idea is to get future generations able to program and understand things, to do that they need to get this generation of adults in a position to teach the kids of the future.
if you don't understand how things are done now then you're not going to be in a position to develop new things in the future.

Apple reinvented the mobile phone in 2007 and that was phenomenally successful. Microsoft came along with dos in the 80s when we already had operating systems yet dos worked better.

Just because something has been done it doesn't mean it can't be done better.

accepting what we have is exactly the thing the developers of the raspberry Pi want to discourage, other wise what is the point in it? we already have computers that are much better than the Pi.

and you don't have to start from scratch we have loads of source code sharing websites
Oooh, Ive been looking at buying a RPi from there official distros ever since I heard about them on Technabob a few months back!
Good price for everything too :)
Might put an order in :)

I've got one order to run XBMC for a media centre setup. They will play all formats (sometimes with a little tweaking) :slayer:
I have been following this project for a while now and I think it's a fantastic idea and it highlights the need for us to get youngsters in to programming and not just playing. We have such a heritage in this country and we are in danger of wasting it.
Heck - I want to buy one myself!
No idea what I'd do with it but it seems such a move on from the old Maplin component kits you could buy when transistors were new!
Should I buy one and get myself a new hobby?
I've got one order to run XBMC for a media centre setup. They will play all formats (sometimes with a little tweaking) :slayer:

You won't be able to play Sky Go, Netflix or LoveFilm. They use VC-1 for the streaming encoding, which the pi can hardware decode - but it's all wrapped up in Silverlight.. which is turds, and is never going to be seen on a pi!

I've also heard that 5OD, 4OD and TVCatchup have enabled DRM on their streams.. and that has broken all the plugins.

I've got raspbmc RC4 on mine at the moment, have tried it being powered by the USB port on the TV and controlled via CEC (uses the TV remote, and signals are passed via the HDMI port.. very cool)

Testing on iPlayerHD on WiFi

CEC control and TV power

I've no plans to continue using it as a media centre, it's nowhere near as slick as my existing media (Win 7 based) HTPC


Sits nicely out the way the VESA mount;

The Pi is a functional media centre, but it's not that great - it's not as smooth through the menus on XBMC, is limited by lack of Silverlight and doesn't save me an awful lot when you look at power consumption.
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I have 2 of these and nothing to do with them.

I have a media player and short of ripping it out of the box and putting a pi in, I doubt XBMC will be of any use to me.
There is nothing that I can see me using it for, it was a whim getting them that seems to have been pointless. I think I'm going to wait until there are more external interfaces and I find a robot or something at a car boot sale.

(I have looked and cannot find anything to interpi with.)