General petrol smell

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General petrol smell


New member
Sep 9, 2007
when driving with window open, get smell of fumes. few people said its from the tank, but with gravity how would i smell it if its coming from behind me when im driving?
Why not? If you fart, walk forward a few steps, you should still be able to smell it, right?
i have the same problem with my marea i noticed if you fit the petrol cap the wrong way you can smell petrol try turning the cap the oppisite way from the way it is

Could be the purge vavle not working, there is a charcoal vapour recoevery canister in the front o/s wing ( I think its o/s) if the purge valve fails and it does not get recovered and used then it has to go somewhere.
ive fitted a new petrol cap, and it worked. good car now lol!
In other words it was a faulty cap that allowed the smell to escape?
i get a petol smell and also when i fill up it sounds like the tank was empty of air! and i get noise like in rushing air? why do you think this is and is it normal.