Technical Loan of clutch centering tool?

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Technical Loan of clutch centering tool?

Just get a piece of dowel and wrap insulating tape around it so it is a firm slide fit in the flywheel , then do the same where the splines of the clutch centre plate sit.
You can often double check by feeling the position of the centre plate at the three points it is often accessible at through the clutch pressure plate.
I have two of the Sykes Pickavant clutch tool sets but even then some times an odd size in the past has needed a bit of tape to take up the slack.
Never force a gearbox onto an engine using long bolts or levers as I have seen done.:(
Any USA based forum members feel like letting me borrow your clutch centering tool? I will gladly pay for shipping both ways.

Do you have a spare input shaft? I have a rusty one somewhere.
I'm sure I have the original tool somewhere that I could photograph and measure.
PS. Being in the UK, mine's only a centring tool. ;)
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I don’t have a spare input shaft unfortunately.
A little dodge that I have used succesfully is centralise the centre-plate as best possible, but only do the pressure-plate bolts up just a bit more than finger tight. Fit the gearbox and then finish tightening up the pressure-plate as the job just before you refit the flywheel cover-plate
If you're not in a hurry and willing to remind me later this week, I have a spare input shaft I could ship to you. I'm just out of town until Thursday afternoon.