Is this real?

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Is this real?

Sep 24, 2005
Kirkby in Ashfield
It was a friend of a friends birthday party and a photo was taken of some of them.


notice this girls face between the legs, near the middle? spooky
Remember the one with the astronaut behind the girl?

'Well it certainly wasn't there when we took the photo'

No ****....
Actually, looking at the pic again, the crying girl on the right looks like an afterthought, as though she's been photoshopped into the pic.
The original story I read was that the crying girl had been crying on & off all evening & kept saying that the other girl was pinching her. Her mother ignored her as there were no other girls in the house & just felt that she was bored & so played up in order to go home quicker.
However, the story also said that these women were getting ready to go out on the town - would a woman take her young daughter along?
The original pic also showed an armchair (darkish brown) to the right of the picture, this also showed a slightly spooky face - but it was the kind of face you see in objects (like the man in the moon).