Dying Fish?

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Dying Fish?

Clove oil followed by Vodka is your best bet (in a separate container).

A quick Google will reveal all, never done it myself but this is the favoured method and he's well past getting better.

Whenever a fish gets sick in my tank they get eaten long before they get sick enough to been uthanized, probably because they're used to me feeding them frozen prawns and muscles, a bit of soft fresh meat must be very tempting. ;)

It is a hard thing to do, it will make you sad but it's for the best I'm afraid. :(
I normally get them out into a peice of newspaper and stamp on them as quickly as possible - way I see it is the fish is already stressed and netting it to then put it into a foreign location to then faff with other oils / chemicals etc.... Net it once put the net in newspaper and as quickly as possible get outside and stamp on it (n)
I normally get them out into a peice of newspaper and stamp on them as quickly as possible - way I see it is the fish is already stressed and netting it to then put it into a foreign location to then faff with other oils / chemicals etc.... Net it once put the net in newspaper and as quickly as possible get outside and stamp on it (n)


Clove oil is an aesthetic I'll stick to my method thanks. I wouldn't even take it out the water just lift it out in the container so the little fella stays submerged.
I normally get them out into a peice of newspaper and stamp on them as quickly as possible - way I see it is the fish is already stressed and netting it to then put it into a foreign location to then faff with other oils / chemicals etc.... Net it once put the net in newspaper and as quickly as possible get outside and stamp on it (n)

Sorry Jenks :( not a fan of that myself wouldnt be able to bring myself to do it. :(

clove oil sounds best to me personally
Each to their own, what ever works for you I suppose.

Over the years I've read all sorts of ways to end the fishes suffering, I've always found them to be a faff and the poor fish carries on living for a few extra minutes of pain (n) The way I see it is I have to net them out so why put them in another container etc etc. It's not always possible for me to get a container into the tank to scoop them out in, so I don't use that method.

Net Paper Stomp 5 seconds tops from being caught to dead.

I hate doing it but after fishes "not dieing" even when I've introduced alcohol / ice / putting them in a freezer etc I'd rather go for fast effective done! :cry:
If I stamped on mine I'd probably end up slipping and on my arse.

Had one of mine with that fungle thing in the first few posts from wiki about a month ago. Isolated him (it?) in a separate bucket and bathed it in epsom salt baths twice a day for a few days, seemed to be getting better, then I went away over night, bloody family member forgot to do it and it died :(
well i didnt have to do anything. When i went to get it from the tank I found it inside an ornament being nibbled on by my african dwarf frog.
Shame really, my own fault though due to hesitating and wondering if it would get better.

Which leads me to another question, how the hell can deaths by filter be prevented, other than external filters.

Last year I bought 5 neon tetras, all died within days after being stuck to the filter (not inside it).

Last month, one of the dwarf frogs died after its leg became stuck inside the filter overnight.

Im using interpet pf2..I daren't buy any other fish etc while still using this