General Cleaning valve and sensor

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General Cleaning valve and sensor


New member
Aug 26, 2008
I spent today cleaning the EGR valve, the MAP sensor and the throttle body, the car feels much better as before there was a slight flat spot. The parts were not very mucky just sooty, but the engine warning light will not go out and engine fault shows on start up, is there any way I can stop this or is it a main dealer visit to get this sorted. Thanks for the guides on here I was able to do this job, and the car runs alot better it is just these stupid warnings any help, Thanks
Hey, unless there is somthing still causing the warning light to come on then just wait it out,

not sure how many runs/how long it is but the light stays on for a certain amount of time after a fault code has been stored, then it turns off.

if there is somthing still causing it to turn on, then you need to work out what it is, if its still there and you get a fiat dealer (or anyone with a scantool ;) )to clear the light it will just light up again right away anyway.
Thanks very much for the advice I shall sit it out a few more runs as I did not disturb anything I only unplugged the MAF sensor and EGR valve to remove them, hopefully a couple more runs may sort it out, Thanks

Where did you find the guide to clean the MAP etc?
I can't find this in the "guide page". :) It is possible that somebody (for example you :) ) is making the guide for me? I have a 1.6 MW and I feel that is good idea to clean everything inside.

THX in advance.