Are we being ripped off at the pumps?

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Are we being ripped off at the pumps?

Are we getting ripped off at the pumps?

  • Yes - definately, the retailers are making a fair enoguh share

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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It's pretty well documented that most of the cost goes to the government rather than the manufacturer and the retailer. Unfortunately if fuel stops being the major source of revenue taxes will be raised elsewhere instead. What needs to be changed IMO is how the government is spending our money.

We're one of the richest countries in the world and yet we're in a huge slump at the moment and have a massive deficit. Frankly the UK is living beyond it's means haemorrhaging money on things it can't afford. I don't mean benefits as that's not the big problem the daily mail would have you think but the money that is thrown away on major projects that will either never work or costs more or momey than it would save.

Anyone remember the expensive computer system EDS designed and implemented for the CSA? Seriously over-budget and never worked. How about the tram system in Edinburgh? I'm sure we can all think of white elephants that have been quietly tucked away never to be mentioned again and that's just one-off projects.

We have the ridiculous set-up in the public service of budgets being allocated on what was spent the year before. Thus if you don't spend all your money one year you'll get less the next. Consequently at the end of every financial year money is spent on equipment that at best isn't needed and at worst is never used rather than get the budget slashed. I can sort of understand the thinking after all it's nice to know the money is there if it's required but surely it would make more sense to keep budgets set and allow them to hand back unused finances rather than waste it? But that's common sense and it's much easier to bleed the tax-payer dry than run the country properly.

Fix the way our government spends the money rather than how they collect it is what I say
hmm cant answer yes and no on your poll, yes we are getting ripped off, but not by the oil companies, by the govournment! these people who we have voted in to help us, are screwing us worse than the last shower of shits, and it will get worse with each election that passes, back to fuel...what ****in idiots put up with taxed tax?? US!! Duty is a tax that then has VAT added to it, the OFT are kinda right tho, competition is pretty fair across the board.... cos we are getting ripped off before the fuel even makes it to the pump, but you see this helps the gvmnt win in more ways than 1...
1) more tax on fuel, more money raised.
2)fuel costs more, transport raises prices, more money paid in company tax. (whatever its called) and VAT
3)transport costs rise, everything costs more, more money pulled in on VAT
4)everything costs more, people start struggling...what do they do? get a better job.....more money in income tax
as mentioned above, YES we're being ripped off but by the government not really the retailer if the OFT report is believed. Pretty sure the tax around here has gone up about 6/8ppl in last week or so, just in time for folks getting paid ready to brim their tanks.
Ryanfaescotland said:

I am also of the "Yes but it's by the government" mind set.

This country would'nt know how to revolt if it juped up and bit them in the arse, everyone would be sat at home watching it on the telly (while complaining i may add) letting others get on with it, then moan that the damage caused would drive up insurance costs even more, we are a nation of utter gutless pussys who just sit and moan rather than getting off our arses and doing something about it.

and breathe..........