General another 900t on the road and legal

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General another 900t on the road and legal

Jun 25, 2011
aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh finally the project is finished, i bought my wife a 900t back in jan 2011 and through blood sweat and tears she passed her mot friday, with only 10 advisories, ive welded her to within an inch of her life( and have the burns on my forearms to prove it) new drum brake system ( master and slave cylinder repairs and replacements), starter motor, fuel pump, wiring issues, rear shocks and ive given her a full respray.

im glad to say she sailed through, only advisories are all 4 springs are corroded slightly, small amount of play on the rear wheel bearings and the tyres could do with renewing
so all in all not to bad

if your in the market for cheap classic insurance we got her insured for £147 fully comp 4 a year with 90 days European cover, ask for rob he's a good guy
Advance Insurance Agencies Ltd 8 Avon Reach, Chippenham, Wilts. SN15 1EE
Tel: 01249 461665. Fax 01249 705090
Quote online :

a mesage to all who are restoring these lill beasts, keep going its worth it in the end
great news! im currently restoring my 850t, and yes LOTS of welding done/to do, looking at my springs they all seem past there best but where can you get them from? got alot of what i need from Italian ebay but have not seen any on there. post some pics of your van im well into these little fiats now make a great change from my staple vw's.
What bits are you after, i know theres a pandora breaking up in dudly, which may help u i your really stuck, parts weere. A beast for me, ive ended up even manufacturing brass washers on a lathe myself for the brake master cylinder, and found out that the rubber washer you use inside are the same as a newer 900e slave cylinder which are only £2 each, found my brand new factory original starter motor in atlanta georgia, cheaper that a recon one from ricambio in uk inc postage and ive still got the old one
Give me a list of what your needs are as ive built up a fair size network since starting the project and may be able to help you
hi is that the blue pandora? not 100% sure what im going to need yet as im doing all the welding atm, but having a good look at some of the mechanical parts it seems that most of the rubber bushes are shot on the suspension/steering. i also want to convert to discs breaks up front and not sure what parts im going to need? ive already sourced all the panels needed apart from both rear arches, but think i might just adapt some mg midget ones as the profile is similar. do you have any idea what other cars shared parts with the 850t/900t? ive been told that alot of 127 parts a similar but dont wont to waste money on parts that dont fit... thanks
Hey, Well done with the restoration, it seems like more and more of these are coming back to life (y)

Do you mind telling me which breakers it is in Dudley which has the Pandora as it would be a great help so i don't have to ship a part all the way over from Italy :D