Seicento Accident Damage

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Seicento Accident Damage


New member
Dec 15, 2013
Last Wednesday some lady decided to reverse into my passenger side front and drive away. I was lucky two witnesses left me a note with the full details of the car. I also have CCTV camera footage and still the police wont go after the lady. They do not have the resources and no one was hurt. My Tonka Toy (MY cars name) was hit at the front and the wing has buckled and the fog lights and bumper have been pushed back. My car moved when it was hit as per one of the witnesses. What damage could have happened to the car and are seicentos quite hardy cars:bang:
You could be looking at the front beam being bent in, ( the one that holds the headlights etc ) possible inner wing damage, its the not so obvious damage that's the problem. I'd say the fact that the car moved is lucky to a point as this will help lessen the damage, but then also suggests that the impact was quite hard.
I hope it isnt too damaged they will right my car off. Little Tonka is a good car and it will be hard getting used to another car. The wheel arch feels like it has bumps underneath, and there is a ripple effect on the top of the wing. the wind plate above the wheel is also loose. It doesnt look that bad from the outside, there is also some sort of oil or grease on top of the wheel.
I have asked Havering council for the footage just wish i could get her details myself. I would love to go around there and check her car out
Surely if she has left the scene of a accident without giving details she is committing a crime. I believe you can check if she's insured and if you report it to your insurers if you have her reg number and witnesses. Personally I would ask the police to either follow it up or give you a written reason they can't follow crime that you have evidence of and the culprits details. Check her MOT details on DVLA as well as she may not have MOT so another crime as this voids your insurance. The Police don't like hassle so hassle them. It's not your fault they are busy doing paperwork
... the police wont go after the lady. They do not have the resources and no one was hurt ...

They’d suddenly find “resources” if it was Chuck Mountbatten-Windsor!
A `Fail to stop RTC' needs to be reported to a police station – as advised on police websites!
An invitation to `Foxtrot Oscar’ from a public servant is a misuse &/or abuse of his office – I take it you failed to get the public servant’s name?
The DVLA will disclose madam’s details - Form V888 (£2.50).
Complain. They don’t like complaints – they take-up resources … senior officer resources!
