Technical 6 Major coolant leaks

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Technical 6 Major coolant leaks


Dec 5, 2019
I was adding coolant every week on my Fiat Panda 1.2 169 on the last month. So, i had time and repair leaks, i found in the morning when the engine is cold. Leaks spotted on several points.
After leaks like this, I would be doing compression tests to rule out head gasket problems. Did you have any work done before it started leaking?

Water pump is annoying as you'll have to fit a new cam belt while replacing the pump. But if the head gasket has gone you'll be doing it anyway.

The radiator bottom hose is either the (so called) quick release (QD) connector or it needs a new hose clip. The one behind the coils is likely to be the thermostat housing but could also be a loose hose clip.

The heater hose air vent screw might need a washer. Just loosen the screw and wrap some plumber's PTFE tape around a few times to create a sealing washer. If the screw itself is damaged, you can replace with a standard M6 bolt and fibre or PTFE washer. Stainless is nice but not necessary. If the thread is stripped tap it out to M8.
when i bought it used already had these leaks.
when i changed the waterpump also fit new cambelt set
on the radiator bottom hose i changed only the o-ring 35X4
i changed new thermostat becuase it was stucked open i use the gasket provided me, but it was leaking from this new gasket, i threw it away clean the area add sealant ann stop leak
the 2 plastic heater hose leaking from new on several Panda because is plastic and you can't tight enough because the plastic hose cracks or breaks