Technical Major gearbox oil leak

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Technical Major gearbox oil leak

Aug 15, 2007
Norwich, Norfolk
Always happens when you could do without it. I do only a fifth of my normal mileage over the last month and no issues, due to do about 1500miles in the next 9days and now this has happened.

Patches of oil under the car, N/S, not engine oil, but cleanish so I assume gearbox oil, not jacked the car up, but under tray is covered, sprayed rearwards all up the subframe from driving it like it I assume. And common gearbox leaks on the 6speed 1.4?

Just hoping its a quick and not too costly fix. I've had a look at inner CV boot on gearbox / drive shaft through the alloys and it looks clean and dry so I don't think its that which has split.

just had the same problem, leak all round gearbox and on the floor under the car,problem solved, the spillpipe on top of the injectors were damaged so I had them replaced,its fine now clear liquid in my case diesel, spilling all over the place so hopefully its fine now.not sure about your problem take the engine cover off over the injectors and see if its leaking there also have a look behind the engine if its wet,do you smell fuel,not much help am I sorry
There's not really many places gearbox oil can get out apart from the inner cv joint/ driveshaft seal and it's a pretty thick oil and probably woudn't so much spray everywhere. Stick your finger in it and smell it, gbox oil is pretty strong smelling stuff and unmistakable

Wonder if it's hydraulic fluid from a leaking clutch slave cylinder? That's pretty common and would be very easy to replace as you have an external cylinder. Maybe check the hydraulic fluid level
There's not really many places gearbox oil can get out apart from the inner cv joint/ driveshaft seal and it's a pretty thick oil and probably woudn't so much spray everywhere. Stick your finger in it and smell it, gbox oil is pretty strong smelling stuff and unmistakable

Wonder if it's hydraulic fluid from a leaking clutch slave cylinder? That's pretty common and would be very easy to replace as you have an external cylinder. Maybe check the hydraulic fluid level

Thanks Decks. I went out and checked, and have dug the SLR out and took aload of pic to help.

Unfortunatly definatly looking like the gearbox.

Fluid is green/red (my colour blindness doesn't help :eek:). Doesn't smell partcularly (which I've been told EP90 does?).

Checked slave, and no fluids, and reservoir is still sitting at MAX.

On a slightly different note, if I say the clutch felt like I was driving a Diesel the other day (juddery, but not violent), does that mean anything? Only noticed it the once, and the hydraulics were bleed a few months ago, so don't think its air in the system. Not sure if its linked?

Here are the pics. As you can see, CV boot is dry. Seems to come out the end/side of the box (which can't be seen) and down the side of the lower pastic engine bay cover.











Still difficult to tell from photos but start of leak traces definitely look too far forward to be driveshafts and it doesn't look to be anywhere near trhe clutch. I'd look on the engine for the most forward fresh traces of oil and look straight up from there

Maybe you do have a leak from the gbox end cover plate, that would be rare but nice and easy to fix, That's a problem with undertrays though, a leak doesnt show up so quickly and by then the leak has sprayed everywhere.

If I couldn't be sure of location of the leak then I'd top up oil in the box, clean the underside up and leave the undertray off and regularly check again for fresh oil
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Many thanks again. From having tried to look I'd have said its probably coming from there. I assume, car in the air, remove wheel, and side of the under tray and it should be nice and 'in your face'?

Any ideas on price for seal / part number? Also what oil does the Stilo gearbox take? I assume removing said end cover and replacing the seal is the way to go about it?
I assume, car in the air, remove wheel, and side of the under tray and it should be nice and 'in your face
That's it, keep your eyes out of the way, it's strong stuff

gbox end cover.JPG
End cover is usually sealed with just sealant

Best to check your manual for gbox oil type as 6 speed might be different
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hello.i have the same problem with transmission oil leaking on my 1.2 16 v stilo ..i assume to be the this plastic cover
..what is this and what is the mechanism below it ?
hello.i have the same problem with transmission oil leaking on my 1.2 16 v stilo ..i assume to be the this plastic cover
..what is this and what is the mechanism below it ?

You need to have 5 posts to post a picture.
if You look in the third picture you posted with your car there is a small plastic cover up the gearbox.that is used for releasing air or oil whenever the pressure insid gearbox is too high! from that black plastic cover transmission oil has spreaded all over gearbox and now it s all messy! Yesterday a mechanic checked transmission oil level and said that there is enough oil inside...but he could not explain if there was an oil leak or the oil came out from that pressure releasig cover.i think i worried too early!but it s better to prevent than paying for a new gearbox!
if You look in the third picture you posted with your car there is a small plastic cover up the gearbox.that is used for releasing air or oil whenever the pressure insid gearbox is too high! from that black plastic cover transmission oil has spreaded all over gearbox and now it s all messy! Yesterday a mechanic checked transmission oil level and said that there is enough oil inside...but he could not explain if there was an oil leak or the oil came out from that pressure releasig cover.i think i worried too early!but it s better to prevent than paying for a new gearbox!

Could be because the gearbox was over filled with oil. If so it would be released at this point.