General just changed a heater matrix on the punto

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General just changed a heater matrix on the punto

The Sultan

Bravo 1.8 HLX FTW
Jul 28, 2006
lake windermere east edge
yep right after i had finished up changing the dash because of the rock damage most of you know about the bottom of my heater begins to get wet car steams up

car really is taking the mick making me take the dash out again

so anyway i snapped a few shots on camera phone



then gave it a little clean and vax out

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Nice work taking the dash apart! I remember replacing the heater fan unit in a Ford Galaxy - ended up having to take half the dash apart. Then I got a leaf caught in my fan on the Punto, only three screws and unclipping the wire and it was out. Hats off to you for taking the dash apart.
it's one of them jobs that seams daunting but turned out to be very easy

all you need is

3mm alen key
6mm - -
10mm socket deep
13mm - -
ratchet and some extensions
small flat blade for prying at things
tool for hose clips under bonet
posy screw driver
radio kays

in total 40 fasteners take the dash off the car

5 screws some clips and lots of zip ties take the wiring off the dash to let you have it out the car

then 5 nuts lets you have the heater box out
2 under the bonnet 3 inside you can see in the picture

i also removed a large quantity of leaves out my fan wile i was at it

it now actually blows air into the car and doesn't make everything shake from the vibration

just few more jobs to finish now new cam belt tentioner new thermostat new cooling fan
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thought you reckoned you could do it with out taking dash out :chin:

i did

i had seen some pics on the forum of it coming out the side after removing the heater box and the little connecting dukt work from the fan

but after looking closely at mine i figured that it would be at the wrong hight to do that and also would not slide sideways due to the pipes nd stuff

had a chat with my dad he reckons they could have been pictures of bravo brava heater box as they come out the side

must have been having a senior moment when reading that threat were ever it was or what ever it was i have never found it again but i was sure it was a punto someone was doing
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I need to change the heater matrix on my Punto as the bottom of the heater casing is dripping water and the windows steam up when I put the heater on. Plus, there is no hot air unless I really rev the engine. Judging by your pics, the job seems horrendous to an amateur like me.

I was just wondering what model Punto you did this job on, and if it would be an easier job to do on my Punto which is a basic 1999 T reg 60s?



I need to change the heater matrix on my Punto as the bottom of the heater casing is dripping water and the windows steam up when I put the heater on. Plus, there is no hot air unless I really rev the engine. Judging by your pics, the job seems horrendous to an amateur like me.

I was just wondering what model Punto you did this job on, and if it would be an easier job to do on my Punto which is a basic 1999 T reg 60s?



mine was a 60sx so yours will have less wiring to wory about behind

it's not to bad atall to do
I need to do this as well (n) is there no other way :confused::D
I have a punto i'm removing a working heater matrix from so i can practice on that. Doesn't the steering have to come out as well?
Im just wondering because i wanted to swap steering from my crashed punto into my drivable punto would this be easy to do while the dash is apart like that??
had the dash out 4 times now in on the punto, once you've done it once and learn't which bolts are where, its pretty easy, theres A LOT more room a punto to move things around than there are on other cars.

no theres no other way of doing it!

Biggest problem with changing the matrix is ordering the right part! Ended up buying all THREE of them, then just seeing which one would fit.

Mine failed in spectacular fashion, went from 100% OK to spitting scoulding hot water at me within about 5seconds!

VERY VERY nearly started proceedings to take fiat to court over it (yes its an 8yr old car, but when a part fails/wears out you don't expect it to try and scould the flesh from your legs!) But decided it was too much hassle, and I actually was quite lucky not to get burn't. Ended up jumping out of the car (whilst it still moving) in traffic at about 15mph to get away from the spitting hot water. Thankfully didn't get ran over or burnt, but be warned!

IF your matrix starts misting the windows, IMMEDIATLY stop driving the car, and get matrix replaced! mine had no warning, hopefully it won't happen to anybodyon a motorway or I can see somebody being very seriously disfigured.
i just changed one on a 90elx. Bit of a tricky one but not too bad. Just takes a while. I found the dash sticks to the bulkhead on that insulation. Just have to give it a bit of a pull.
I wonder how long this one will last!
I've got a bad misting problem, anything above stone cold makes the windscreen mist up badly. no sign of any water on the heater casing though. di you guys with the misting problems have visible water dripping off it?

Also, where did you buy your replacement matrix and roughly how much was it?
And is this the only thing that could be causing the misting of the windscreen when warm air is directed at it?

I'm just wary as most people who mention having had a heater matrix problem also seem to have water dripping off the heating casing. been checking mine for months now and always dry as a bone, the carpets too

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