A completely irrlevant poll from RichieC

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A completely irrlevant poll from RichieC


woooooh...I'm a ghost...
Jan 7, 2003
The Ether
Now then now then guys and girls guys and girls...owz about that then...as i said in my meeting today...no i really did.

thought i'd post a completely irrlevant poll here...now this may have something to do with the fact i have just combined an entire bottle of wine...it may not....those of u who know me will notice no difference :D

so anyway...onto the choices....no question, just choose.

trust me, there's method in my madness...possibly...the docs have yet to give me my crayons back so i haven't been able to write down my conclusions...

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby
and of course i meant consumed not combined :D

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby
8 people read and only 2 votes? ;)

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby
hang on...5 of those 'reads' have been me...narcissistic me ;)

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby
how the hell are you making your choices? This is some carefully controlled psychological experiment you know...a lot like my existence...:)

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby
what about those who would click suicide by lederhosen were it an option? :p

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby
Try getting your English spelling skills up to speed too. ;)

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby
more like your voice isn't allowed to leave the 'local' town gates :D

i'm the jelly baby...twisted jelly baby