anyone got a copy of photoshop?

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anyone got a copy of photoshop?

Feb 8, 2013
hey all i was wondering if any nice person on here can photoshop my mk2


all i want is to see how it would look green closer to the light green from the hulk would be great cause im toyiny up with an idea in my head :) oh and possibly bump strips removed from the door :) if anyone can help ill be a friend for life and possibly throw a biccy or two your way through the likes of royal mail
Google open source and you should find a program called's free legal copy of photoshop...not quite the same in terms of how you use it but I suppose that's deems it not an illegal version of PS!
Google open source and you should find a program called's free legal copy of photoshop...not quite the same in terms of how you use it but I suppose that's deems it not an illegal version of PS!

<cough>Photoshop CS2</cough>
Google open source and you should find a program called's free legal copy of photoshop...not quite the same in terms of how you use it but I suppose that's deems it not an illegal version of PS!

I'll second this, i have put this on many machines and provided tech support for it at a place i used to work at for their web dev's and graphics designers :)
what's wrong with the original color? To me the original is better than the light green.