Some of my college stuff

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Some of my college stuff

Oct 5, 2005
Since I've not been about much I thought I would show you a few of the reasons why :) and what I been doing at college :eek:

I've been out shooting a stone mason today...fantastic shoot and he was a really nice guy to work with.... yesterday, was shooting a guitar maker...was a good shoot too, even tho his dog really didn't like us :( and barked all the way through, which was a bit nerve racking the lighting was quite bad even with modeling light on and then both film camera's decided to break at the same time :( view finder fell out of one couldn't get the bugger back in and the DOF preview button got stuck on the other and took a chunk out of my £300 (secondhand) lens :'(...but apart from that lol It was all good and got at least 50 decent shots (y) (well sam did :eek:)

So hopefully will have more pics to post soon, but...
First couple of shots are because we had to take random pics of something that isn't really used anymore.

And the others were for a brief entitled personal I done body dysmorphia, I've not got gradings yet...but good feedback from tutors so far (y) I didn't use all these images, cos I was only meant to submit 4.

Let me know what you guys comments about the dodgy model please :eek:

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Really good, like the second one in particular, the way the sun reflects off the water, good stuff. (y)(y)(y)
I like them, looking at them all - number 4 is my favourite :)

Are you after CC on them?

Number 1 i love as well, the composistion and DOF (oh how i wish i had a DOF preview button, even if it did stick, on my camrea!) is bob on.

Number 2, i like the sparkly bits - but as a shot, i'm not keen on the composisiton. There is too much wasted space, and the eye isnt really drawn anywhere.

Number 3, great shot - only thing i'd do to change it would be to clone out the mirror line and possibly the shadow behind the model.

Number 4, (y)

Number 5, another funky shot, but the outline of the white shoes is lost and bleeds into the background

Number 6, fantastic shot :)

Number 7, is subtly clever..

Number 8, (y)

Number 9, *might've* worked better with the model stood in the centre, ignoring the rule of thirds completely (but deliberately). Or then again it might not've!

edit; I'm not trying to harsh.. or anything like that - but i always like feedback on my work, and if there are things people don't like or would do differently i always love to know so i can consider their opinion, and then maybe take it on board or ignore it!!
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Cheers for the f/b guys....glad it scared ya mikeee (y) I kept standing in corners and behind doors and waiting for sam....he kept pooing himself :D

Thanks for all the comments arc, you are so right regarding number 3 .... I had taken the vertical line out for the print, but posted up the wrong shot a div

Number 9 was a pain in the butt....taking photos and being in them isn't something that I would wanna do again too soon :eek: and I was a bit gutted that I hadn't rechecked where my feet were.

I also kept waiting for someone to come up and start having a go at me, cos the town was pretty busy and was expecting someone to have a go for scaring thier kids :D
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edit; I'm not trying to harsh.. or anything like that - but i always like feedback on my work, and if there are things people don't like or would do differently i always love to know so i can consider their opinion, and then maybe take it on board or ignore it!!

not at all.....I thought you were being more than fair tbh and I wanted to hear different points of view and all points were valid (y)

It's kinda hard to judge pics for yourself huh....I've spent too long looking at is good to hear other opinions :)
Last edited by dave; 8 Hours Ago at 01:02. Reason: i might get killed

:rolleyes: What did ya really put dave??

And for gods sake....seeing as you have met me in real life quite a few times lol and seeing the ones with the mask has my clothes and hair on...thought you might have got a slight clue :rolleyes: :bang: lol
there excellent, no.2 is my fav

Was there a theme to it?

(better late than never :eek:) It was body dysmorphia (title brief was 'personal obsession')
And thanks for all comments (y)

I thought it was about time I updated this thread...cos I do actually do some work now and again :)

Most of the stuff I have been doing lately is darkroom work (and neg scanning takes to long, just for putting on internet)

But one of my brief's was 7 Deadly Sins. It could be shot in anyway we chose really. I ended up going for my plan B, as my original ideas were slightly too far out of reach, but I was happy with the end result and I got a distinction (y)

I printed A3 and put them in a puppet theatre for display, which helped with the mark I think :)

Lust & Chastity

Gluttony & Temperance

Greed & Charity

Sloth & Diligence

Wrath & Patience

Envy & Kindness

Pride & Humility

Feel free to say what you think...good or bad :)
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